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Recent plant diversity changes on Europe’s mountain summits H Pauli, M Gottfried, S Dullinger, O Abdaladze, M Akhalkatsi, JLB Alonso, ... Science 336 (6079), 353-355, 2012 | 1051 | 2012 |
21st century climate change threatens mountain flora unequally across Europe R Engler, CF Randin, W Thuiller, S Dullinger, NE Zimmermann, ... Global change biology 17 (7), 2330-2341, 2011 | 754 | 2011 |
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Floristic diversity in relation to geomorphological and climatic factors in the subalpinealpine belt of the Rodna mountains (The Romanian Carpathians) G Coldea, A Pop Pirineos 158, 61-72, 2004 | 21 | 2004 |
Quantitative determination of total polyphenols and flavonoids from indigenous species of Epilobium of wild origin and'in vitro'regenerated plantlets. M Tămaş, A Toiu, I Oniga, C Deliu, B Oltean, G Coldea Contributii Botanice 44, 2009 | 19 | 2009 |
A syntaxonomic revision of floodplain forest communities in Romania G Coldea, TM Ursu Tuexenia 36, 9-22, 2016 | 14 | 2016 |