Seiji Sugawa
Seiji Sugawa
Associate Professor, The University of Tokyo
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Tools for quantum simulation with ultracold atoms in optical lattices
F Schäfer, T Fukuhara, S Sugawa, Y Takasu, Y Takahashi
Nature Reviews Physics 2 (8), 411-425, 2020
An SU (6) Mott insulator of an atomic Fermi gas realized by large-spin Pomeranchuk cooling
S Taie, R Yamazaki, S Sugawa, Y Takahashi
Nature Physics 8 (11), 825-830, 2012
Realization of a System of Fermions in a Cold Atomic Gas
S Taie, Y Takasu, S Sugawa, R Yamazaki, T Tsujimoto, R Murakami, ...
Physical review letters 105 (19), 190401, 2010
Direct observation of zitterbewegung in a Bose–Einstein condensate
LJ LeBlanc, MC Beeler, K Jimenez-Garcia, AR Perry, S Sugawa, ...
New Journal of Physics 15 (7), 073011, 2013
Submicron spatial modulation of an interatomic interaction in a Bose-Einstein condensate
R Yamazaki, S Taie, S Sugawa, Y Takahashi
Physical Review Letters 105 (5), 050405, 2010
All-optical formation of quantum degenerate mixtures
T Fukuhara, S Sugawa, Y Takasu, Y Takahashi
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 79 (2), 021601, 2009
Bose-Einstein condensation of an ytterbium isotope
T Fukuhara, S Sugawa, Y Takahashi
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 76 (5), 051604, 2007
Interaction and filling-induced quantum phases of dual Mott insulators of bosons and fermions
S Sugawa, K Inaba, S Taie, R Yamazaki, M Yamashita, Y Takahashi
Nature Physics 7 (8), 642-648, 2011
Second Chern number of a quantum-simulated non-Abelian Yang monopole
S Sugawa, F Salces-Carcoba, AR Perry, Y Yue, IB Spielman
Science 360 (6396), 1429-1434, 2018
Geometrical pumping with a Bose-Einstein condensate
HI Lu, M Schemmer, LM Aycock, D Genkina, S Sugawa, IB Spielman
Physical review letters 116 (20), 200402, 2016
Bose-Einstein condensate in gases of rare atomic species
S Sugawa, R Yamazaki, S Taie, Y Takahashi
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 84 (1), 011610, 2011
Mott insulator of ultracold alkaline-earth-metal-like atoms
T Fukuhara, S Sugawa, M Sugimoto, S Taie, Y Takahashi
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 79 (4), 041604, 2009
Ultrafast energy exchange between two single Rydberg atoms on a nanosecond timescale
Y Chew, T Tomita, TP Mahesh, S Sugawa, S de Léséleuc, K Ohmori
Nature Photonics 16 (10), 724-729, 2022
Control of resonant interaction between electronic ground and excited states
S Kato, S Sugawa, K Shibata, R Yamamoto, Y Takahashi
Physical review letters 110 (17), 173201, 2013
Spatial coherence of spin-orbit-coupled bose gases
A Putra, F Salces-Cárcoba, Y Yue, S Sugawa, IB Spielman
Physical Review Letters 124 (5), 053605, 2020
Observation of a -wave optical Feshbach resonance
R Yamazaki, S Taie, S Sugawa, K Enomoto, Y Takahashi
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (1), 010704, 2013
Laser spectroscopic probing of coexisting superfluid and insulating states of an atomic Bose–Hubbard system
S Kato, K Inaba, S Sugawa, K Shibata, R Yamamoto, M Yamashita, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 11341, 2016
Photoassociative production of ultracold heteronuclear ytterbium molecules
M Borkowski, R Ciuryło, PS Julienne, R Yamazaki, H Hara, K Enomoto, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 84 (3), 030702, 2011
Quantum degenerate Fermi gases of ytterbium atoms
T Fukuhara, Y Takasu, S Sugawa, Y Takahashi
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 148, 441-445, 2007
Picosecond-scale ultrafast many-body dynamics in an ultracold Rydberg-excited atomic Mott insulator
V Bharti, S Sugawa, M Mizoguchi, M Kunimi, Y Zhang, S De Léséleuc, ...
Physical review letters 131 (12), 123201, 2023
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Articles 1–20