Jose G. Rodrigo
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Cited by
Conductance steps and quantization in atomic-size contacts
N Agrait, JG Rodrigo, S Vieira
Physical Review B 47 (18), 12345, 1993
Topologically Protected Quantum Transport in Locally Exfoliated Bismuth<? format?> at Room Temperature
C Sabater, D Gosálbez-Martínez, J Fernández-Rossier, JG Rodrigo, ...
Physical review letters 110 (17), 176802, 2013
Conductance step for a single-atom contact in the scanning tunneling microscope: Noble and transition metals
C Sirvent, JG Rodrigo, S Vieira, L Jurczyszyn, N Mingo, F Flores
Physical Review B 53 (23), 16086, 1996
Imaging superconducting vortex cores and lattices with a scanning tunneling microscope
H Suderow, I Guillamón, JG Rodrigo, S Vieira
Superconductor Science and Technology 27 (6), 063001, 2014
On the use of STM superconducting tips at very low temperatures
JG Rodrigo, H Suderow, S Vieira
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 40, 483-488, 2004
STM study of multiband superconductivity in NbSe2 using a superconducting tip
JG Rodrigo, S Vieira
Physica C: Superconductivity 404 (1-4), 306-310, 2004
Giant vortex state in perforated aluminum microsquares
V Bruyndoncx, JG Rodrigo, T Puig, L Van Look, VV Moshchalkov, ...
Physical Review B 60 (6), 4285, 1999
Atomic-scale connective neck formation and characterization
N Agrait, JG Rodrigo, C Sirvent, S Vieira
Physical Review B 48 (11), 8499, 1993
Superconducting nanostructures fabricated with the scanning tunnelling microscope
JG Rodrigo, H Suderow, S Vieira, E Bascones, F Guinea
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 16 (34), R1151, 2004
Chiral charge order in the superconductor 2H-TaS2
I Guillamón, H Suderow, JG Rodrigo, S Vieira, P Rodiere, L Cario, ...
New Journal of Physics 13 (10), 103020, 2011
Fermionic scenario for the destruction of superconductivity in ultrathin MoC films evidenced by STM measurements
P Szabó, T Samuely, V Hašková, J Kačmarčík, M Žemlička, M Grajcar, ...
Physical Review B 93 (1), 014505, 2016
STM study of the atomic contact between metallic electrodes
C Sirvent, JG Rodrigo, N Agrait, S Vieira
Physica B: Condensed Matter 218 (1-4), 238-241, 1996
Scanning tunneling spectroscopy in MgB2
P Martinez-Samper, JG Rodrigo, G Rubio-Bollinger, H Suderow, S Vieira, ...
Physica C: Superconductivity 385 (1-2), 233-243, 2003
Point-contact spectroscopy on URu 2 Si 2
JG Rodrigo, F Guinea, S Vieira, FG Aliev
Physical Review B 55 (21), 14318, 1997
Scanning tunneling measurements of layers of superconducting 2-TaSe: Evidence for a zero-bias anomaly in single layers
JA Galvis, P Rodiere, I Guillamon, MR Osorio, JG Rodrigo, L Cario, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (9), 094502, 2013
Nanosized superconducting constrictions
M Poza, E Bascones, JG Rodrigo, N Agraït, S Vieira, F Guinea
Physical Review B 58 (17), 11173, 1998
Plastic deformation in atomic size contacts
N Agraït, JG Rodrigo, G Rubio, C Sirvent, S Vieira
Thin Solid Films 253 (1-2), 199-203, 1994
Transition from the tunneling regime to point contact and proximity-induced josephson effect in lead–normal-metal nanojunctions
N Agrait, JG Rodrigo, S Vieira
Physical Review B 46 (9), 5814, 1992
Quantum conductance in semimetallic bismuth nanocontacts
JG Rodrigo, A García-Martín, JJ Sáenz, S Vieira
Physical review letters 88 (24), 246801, 2002
Scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy at very low temperatures
H Suderow, M Crespo, P Martinez-Samper, JG Rodrigo, ...
Physica C: Superconductivity 369 (1-4), 106-112, 2002
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Articles 1–20