Philip Arthur
Philip Arthur
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Cited by
Incorporating discrete translation lexicons into neural machine translation
P Arthur, G Neubig, S Nakamura
Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2016
XNMT: The extensible neural machine translation toolkit
G Neubig, M Sperber, X Wang, M Felix, A Matthews, S Padmanabhan, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.00188, 2018
Multilingual neural machine translation with soft decoupled encoding
X Wang, H Pham, P Arthur, G Neubig
arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.03499, 2019
Linguistic unit discovery from multi-modal inputs in unwritten languages: Summary of the “Speaking rosetta” JSALT 2017 workshop
O Scharenborg, L Besacier, A Black, M Hasegawa-Johnson, F Metze, ...
2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2018
Learning Coupled Policies for Simultaneous Machine Translation using Imitation Learning
P Arthur, T Cohn, G Haffari
Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the …, 2021
Semantic parsing of ambiguous input through paraphrasing and verification
P Arthur, G Neubig, S Sakti, T Toda, S Nakamura
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics 3, 571-584, 2015
Neural machine translation via binary code prediction
Y Oda, P Arthur, G Neubig, K Yoshino, S Nakamura
arXiv preprint arXiv:1704.06918, 2017
Multi-target machine translation with multi-synchronous context-free grammars
G Neubig, P Arthur, K Duh
Proceedings of the 2015 Conference of the North American Chapter of the …, 2015
ParaCotta: Synthetic Multilingual Paraphrase Corpora from the Most Diverse Translation Sample Pair
A Fikri Aji, TN Fatyanosa, R Eko Prasojo, P Arthur, S Fitriany, S Qonitah, ...
arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 2205.04651, 2022
It is not as good as you think! evaluating simultaneous machine translation on interpretation data
J Zhao, P Arthur, G Haffari, T Cohn, E Shareghi
arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.05213, 2021
Multilingual simultaneous neural machine translation
P Arthur, DK Ryu, R Haffari
Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics and …, 2021
NAIST at the CLEF 2013 QA4MRE Pilot Task.
P Arthur, G Neubig, S Sakti, T Toda, S Nakamura
CLEF (Working Notes), 2013
Data manufacturing frameworks for synthesizing synthetic training data to facilitate training a natural language to logical form model
P Arthur, V Vishnoi, ME Johnson, TL Duong, SPK Gadde, BS Vinnakota, ...
US Patent App. 18/065,422, 2023
Inter-Sentence Features and Thresholded Minimum Error Rate Training: NAIST at CLEF 2013 QA4MRE.
P Arthur, G Neubig, S Sakti, T Toda, S Nakamura
CLEF (Working Notes), 2013
Output interpretation for a meaning representation language system
C Xu, P Zaremoodi, CDV Hoang, N Mathur, P Arthur, SWC Siu, ...
US Patent App. 18/321,144, 2024
Techniques for augmenting training data for aggregation and sorting database operations in a natural language to database query system
G Tangari, N Mathur, P Arthur, CDV Hoang, AD Kanuga, SWC Siu, ...
US Patent App. 18/218,385, 2024
Data manufacturing frameworks for synthesizing synthetic training data to facilitate training a natural language to logical form model
P Arthur, V Vishnoi, ME Johnson, TL Duong, SPK Gadde, BS Vinnakota, ...
US Patent App. 18/065,406, 2023
Semantic parsing of ambiguous input using multi synchronous grammars
P Arthur, G Neubig, S Sakti, S Nakamura, T Toda
Mastering the Craft of Data Synthesis for CodeLLMs
M Chen, P Arthur, Q Feng, CDV Hoang, YH Hong, MK Moghaddam, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.00005, 2024
Techniques for converting a natural language utterance to an intermediate database query representation
CDV Hoang, SA McRitchie, ME Johnson, S Subramanian, AD Kanuga, ...
US Patent App. 18/209,844, 2024
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Articles 1–20