Viacheslav B. Priezzhev
Viacheslav B. Priezzhev
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Nucleation theory and applications
G Röpke, VB Priezzhev
Wiley-VCH, 2005
Eulerian walkers as a model of self-organized criticality
VB Priezzhev, D Dhar, A Dhar, S Krishnamurthy
Physical Review Letters 77 (25), 5079, 1996
Structure of two-dimensional sandpile. I. Height probabilities
VB Priezzhev
Journal of statistical physics 74, 955-979, 1994
Structural Features of Molecular-Colloidal Solutions of C60 Fullerenes in Water by Small-Angle Neutron Scattering
MV Avdeev, AA Khokhryakov, TV Tropin, GV Andrievsky, VK Klochkov, ...
Langmuir 20 (11), 4363-4368, 2004
Waves of topplings in an Abelian sandpile
EV Ivashkevich, DV Ktitarev, VB Priezzhev
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 209 (3-4), 347-360, 1994
Scaling of waves in the Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld sandpile model
DV Ktitarev, S Lübeck, P Grassberger, VB Priezzhev
Physical Review E 61 (1), 81, 2000
Formation of avalanches and critical exponents in an Abelian sandpile model
VB Priezzhev, DV Ktitarev, EV Ivashkevich
Physical review letters 76 (12), 2093, 1996
Introduction to the sandpile model
EV Ivashkevich, VB Priezzhev
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 254 (1-2), 97-116, 1998
Logarithmic conformal field theory and boundary effects in the dimer model
NS Izmailian, VB Priezzhev, P Ruelle, CK Hu
Physical review letters 95 (26), 260602, 2005
Exact nonstationary probabilities in the asymmetric exclusion process on a ring
VB Priezzhev
Physical review letters 91 (5), 050601, 2003
Critical exponents for boundary avalanches in two-dimensional Abelian sandpile
EV Ivashkevich, DV Ktitarev, VB Priezzhev
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 27 (16), L585, 1994
The upper critical dimension of the Abelian sandpile model
VB Priezzhev
Journal of Statistical Physics 98, 667-684, 2000
Determinant solution for the totally asymmetric exclusion process with parallel update
AM Povolotsky, VB Priezzhev
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2006 (07), P07002, 2006
Structure of the excitation spectrum of liquid
NM Blagoveshchenskii, IV Bogoyavlenskii, LV Karnatsevich, ZA Kozlov, ...
Physical Review B 50 (22), 16550, 1994
The asymmetric avalanche process
AM Povolotsky, VB Priezzhev, CK Hu
Journal of statistical physics 111, 1149-1182, 2003
Logarithmic two-point correlators in the Abelian sandpile model
VS Poghosyan, SY Grigorev, VB Priezzhev, P Ruelle
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2010 (07), P07025, 2010
Exact phase diagram for an asymmetric avalanche process
VB Priezzhev, EV Ivashkevich, AM Povolotsky, CK Hu
Physical review letters 87 (8), 084301, 2001
Boundary effects in a two-dimensional Abelian sandpile
JG Brankov, EV Ivashkevich, VB Priezzhev
Journal de Physique I 3 (8), 1729-1740, 1993
The totally asymmetric exclusion process with generalized update
AE Derbyshev, SS Poghosyan, AM Povolotsky, VB Priezzhev
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2012 (05), P05014, 2012
Non-local finite-size effects in the dimer model
NS Izmailian, VB Priezzhev, P Ruelle
Sigma. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 3, 001, 2007
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Articles 1–20