Xiaojia Wang
Xiaojia Wang
Associate professor of Mechanical Engineering, U of M
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Thermal conductivity of high-modulus polymer fibers
X Wang, V Ho, RA Segalman, DG Cahill
Macromolecules 46 (12), 4937-4943, 2013
Thermal Conductivity and Elastic Constants of PEDOT:PSS with High Electrical Conductivity
J Liu, X Wang, D Li, NE Coates, RA Segalman, DG Cahill
Macromolecules, 2015
Side Chain Effects on the Conductivity, Morphology and Thermoelectric Properties of Self-Doped Narrow Band Gap Conjugated Polyelectrolytes
CK Mai, RA Schlitz, GM Su, D Spitzer, X Wang, SL Fronk, DG Cahill, ...
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 136 (39), 13478–13481, 2014
Ultralow thermal conductivity of fullerene derivatives
X Wang, CD Liman, ND Treat, ML Chabinyc, DG Cahill
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (7), 075310, 2013
Revealing the Origins of 3D Anisotropic Thermal Conductivities of Black Phosphorus
J Zhu, H Park, JY Chen, X Gu, H Zhang, S Karthikeyan, N Wendel, ...
Advanced Electronic Materials 2 (5), 1600040, 2016
Adsorption-Controlled Growth and Influence of Stoichiometry on Electronic Transport of Hybrid Molecular Beam Epitaxy-Grown BaSnO3 Films
Prakash, A., Xu P., Wu, X.W., Haugstad, G., Wang, X.J., Jalan, B.
J. Mater. Chem. C, 2017
Visible and near-infrared radiative properties of vertically aligned multi-walled carbon nanotubes
XJ Wang, JD Flicker, BJ Lee, WJ Ready, ZM Zhang
Nanotechnology 20 (21), 215704, 2009
A mini review on thermally conductive polymers and polymer-based composites
Y Xu, X Wang, Q Hao
Composites Communications 24, 100617, 2021
Spatial and temporal coherence of thermal radiation in asymmetric Fabry–Perot resonance cavities
LP Wang, BJ Lee, XJ Wang, ZM Zhang
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 52 (13-14), 3024-3031, 2009
The ultrafast laser pump-probe technique for thermal characterization of materials with micro/nanostructures
J Zhu, X Wu, DM Lattery, W Zheng, X Wang
Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering 21 (3), 177-198, 2017
Low Gilbert damping constant in perpendicularly magnetized W/CoFeB/MgO films with high thermal stability
DM Lattery, D Zhang, J Zhu, X Hang, JP Wang, X Wang
Scientific reports 8 (1), 13395, 2018
Thickness-dependent thermal conductivity of mechanically exfoliated β-Ga2O3 thin films
Y Zhang, Q Su, J Zhu, S Koirala, SJ Koester, X Wang
Applied Physics Letters 116, 202101, 2020
Enhancing the thermal conductance of polymer and sapphire interface via Self-Assembled Monolayer
Kun Zheng, Fangyuan Sun, Jie Zhu, Yongmei Ma, Xiaobo Li, Dawei Tang, Fosong ...
ACS Nano 10 (8), 7792–7798, 2016
Ga2O3-on-SiC Composite Wafer for Thermal Management of Ultra-Wide Bandgap Electronics
YW Song, D Shoemaker, J Leach, C McGray, HL Huang, A Bhattacharyya, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13 (34), 40817-40829, 2021
Thermal Transport across Surfactant Layers on Gold Nanorods in Aqueous Solution
X Wu, Y Ni, J Zhu, ND Burrows, CJ Murphy, T Dumitrica, X Wang
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2016
Parametric optimization of dielectric functions for maximizing nanoscale radiative transfer
XJ Wang, S Basu, ZM Zhang
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 42 (24), 245403, 2009
Infrared absorption coefficients of vertically aligned carbon nanotube films
H Ye, XJ Wang, W Lin, CP Wong, ZM Zhang
Applied Physics Letters 101 (14), 2012
Highly specular carbon nanotube absorbers
XJ Wang, LP Wang, OS Adewuyi, BA Cola, ZM Zhang
Applied Physics Letters 97 (16), 2010
Thermal transport in fullerene derivatives using molecular dynamics simulations
L Chen, X Wang, S Kumar
Scientific reports 5 (1), 12763, 2015
Thermal Conductivity of Layered Borides: the Effect of Building Defects on the Thermal Conductivity of TmAlB4 and the Anisotropic Thermal Conductivity of AlB2
XJ Wang, T Mori, I Kuzmych-Ianchuk, Y Michiue, K Yubuta, T Shishido, ...
APL Materials 2, 046113, 2014
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Articles 1–20