Haiqing Li
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Cited by
Palladium nanoparticles decorated carbon nanotubes: facile synthesis and their applications as highly efficient catalysts for the reduction of 4-nitrophenol
H Li, L Han, J Cooper-White, I Kim
Green Chemistry 14 (3), 586-591, 2012
Magnetic Metal-Organic Frameworks for Efficient Carbon Dioxide Capture and Remote Trigger Release
H Li, MM Sadiq, K Suzuki, R Ricco, C Doblin, JA Hill, S Lim, P Falcaro, ...
Advanced Materials 28, 1839-1844, 2016
Ionic liquids grafted on carbon nanotubes as highly efficient heterogeneous catalysts for the synthesis of cyclic carbonates
L Han, H Li, SJ Choi, MS Park, SM Lee, YJ Kim, DW Park
Applied Catalysis A: General 429, 67-72, 2012
Low-Energy CO2 Release from Metal–Organic Frameworks Triggered by External Stimuli
H Li, M Hill
Accounts of Chemical Research 50 (4), 778-786, 2017
Fabrication of Carbon Nanotube/SiO2and Carbon Nanotube/SiO2/Ag Nanoparticles Hybrids by Using Plasma Treatment
H Li, CS Ha, I Kim
Nanoscale research letters 4, 1384-1388, 2009
Facile stabilization of cyclodextrin metal–organic frameworks under aqueous conditions via the incorporation of C 60 in their matrices
H Li, MR Hill, R Huang, C Doblin, S Lim, AJ Hill, R Babarao, P Falcaro
Chemical communications 52 (35), 5973-5976, 2016
A General and Efficient Route to Fabricate Carbon Nanotube‐Metal Nanoparticles and Carbon Nanotube‐Inorganic Oxides Hybrids
H Li, JK Jo, L Zhang, CS Ha, H Suh, IL Kim
Advanced Functional Materials 20 (22), 3864-3873, 2010
Magnetic induction swing adsorption: an energy efficient route to porous adsorbent regeneration
MM Sadiq, H Li, AJ Hill, P Falcaro, MR Hill, K Suzuki
Chemistry of Materials 28 (17), 6219-6226, 2016
Facile fabrication of hollow silica and titania microspheres using plasma-treated polystyrene spheres as sacrificial templates
H Li, CS Ha, I Kim
Langmuir 24 (19), 10552-10556, 2008
Enabling Continuous and Improved Solar-Driven Atmospheric Water Harvesting with Ti3C2-Incorporated Metal–Organic Framework Monoliths
Q Wu, W Su, Q Li, Y Tao, H Li
ACS applied materials & interfaces 13 (32), 38906-38915, 2021
A robust metal organic framework for dynamic light‐induced swing adsorption of carbon dioxide
H Li, MR Martinez, Z Perry, HC Zhou, P Falcaro, C Doblin, S Lim, A Hill, ...
Chemistry-A European Journal 22, 11176-11179, 2016
Modulation of stem cell adhesion and morphology via facile control over surface presentation of cell adhesion molecules
H Li, J Frith, JJ Cooper-White
Biomacromolecules 15 (1), 43-52, 2014
Visible Light Triggered CO2 Liberation from Silver Nanocrystals Incorporated Metal–Organic Frameworks
H Li, MR Hill, C Doblin, S Lim, AJ Hill, P Falcaro
Advanced Functional Materials 26, 4815-4821, 2016
Embedding metal foam into metal–organic framework monoliths for triggering a highly efficient release of adsorbed atmospheric water by localized eddy current heating
Y Tao, Q Li, Q Wu, H Li
Materials horizons 8 (5), 1439-1445, 2021
MaLISA – A Cooperative Method to Release Adsorbed Gases from Metal-Organic Frameworks
H Li, MM Sadiq, K Suzuki, C Doblin, S Lim, P Falcaro, A Hill, MR Hill
Journal of Material Chemistry A 4, 18757-18762, 2016
Hyperbranched polyglycidol assisted green synthetic protocols for the preparation of multifunctional metal nanoparticles
H Li, JK Jo, LD Zhang, CS Ha, H Suh, I Kim
Langmuir 26 (23), 18442-18453, 2010
A general and efficient method for decorating graphene sheets with metal nanoparticles based on the non-covalently functionalized graphene sheets with hyperbranched polymers
H Li, L Han, JJ Cooper-White, I Kim
Nanoscale 4 (4), 1355-1361, 2012
Magnetic Induction Framework Synthesis: A General Route to the Controlled Growth of Metal–Organic Frameworks
H Li, MM Sadiq, K Suzuki, P Falcaro, A Hill, M Hill
Chemistry of Materials 29, 6186-6190, 2017
Magnetic metal–organic framework composites: solvent-free synthesis and regeneration driven by localized magnetic induction heat
Y Tao, G Huang, H Li, MR Hill
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 7 (16), 13627-13632, 2019
Hyperbranched polymer mediated fabrication of water soluble carbon nanotube–metal nanoparticle hybrids
H Li, JJ Cooper-White
Nanoscale 5 (7), 2915-2920, 2013
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