Nilufer Onder
Cited by
Cited by
Using agent-based modeling to study construction labor productivity as an emergent property of individual and crew interactions
M Watkins, A Mukherjee, N Onder, K Mattila
Journal of construction engineering and management 135 (7), 657-667, 2009
Conditional, probabilistic planning: A unifying algorithm and effective search control mechanisms
N Onder, ME Pollack
AAAI/IAAI, 577-584, 1999
Contingency selection in plan generation
N Onder, ME Pollack
European Conference on Planning, 364-376, 1997
mPart: miss-ratio curve guided partitioning in key-value stores
D Byrne, N Onder, Z Wang
Proceedings of the 2018 ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on Memory …, 2018
Structured-chromosome evolutionary algorithms for variable-size autonomous interplanetary trajectory planning optimization
HM Nyew, O Abdelkhalik, N Onder
Journal of Aerospace Information Systems 12 (3), 314-328, 2015
Traversing and querying constraint driven temporal networks to estimate construction contingencies
GR Anderson, A Mukherjee, N Onder
Automation in Construction 18 (6), 798-813, 2009
Preventing unrecoverable failures through precautionary planning
J Foss, N Onder, D Smith
ICAPS’07 Workshop on Moving Planning and Scheduling Systems into the Real World, 2007
Engineering a conformant probabilistic planner
N Onder, GC Whelan, L Li
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 25, 1-15, 2006
Studying dynamic decision-making in construction management using adaptive interactive simulations
P Tang, A Mukherjee, N Onder
Construction Research Congress 2010: Innovation for Reshaping Construction …, 2010
Faster slab reassignment in memcached
D Byrne, N Onder, Z Wang
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Memory Systems, 353-362, 2019
University studies of student persistence in engineering
GL Hein, KJ Bunker, N Onder, RR Rebb, LE Brown, LJ Bohmann
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 25.1401. 1-25.1401. 15, 2012
Using an interactive schedule simulation platform to assess and improve contingency management strategies
P Tang, A Mukherjee, N Onder
Automation in construction 35, 551-560, 2013
Construction schedule simulation for improved project planning: Activity criticality index assessment
P Tang, A Mukherjee, N Onder
2013 Winter Simulations Conference (WSC), 3237-3248, 2013
Understanding labour productivity as an emergent property of individual and crew interactions on a construction site
M Watkins, A Mukherjee, N Onder, KG Mattila
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Group on Lean …, 2007
A unifying algorithm for conditional, probabilistic planning
N Onder, M Pollack, J Horty
AIPS1998 Workshop on Integrating Planning, Scheduling, and Execution in …, 1998
Strategy optimization and generation for construction project management using an interactive simulation
P Tang, A Mukherjee, N Onder
Proceedings of the 2010 Winter Simulation Conference, 3088-3099, 2010
Using situational simulations to collect and analyze dynamic construction management decision-making data
M Watkins, A Mukherjee, N Onder
2008 Winter Simulation Conference, 2377-2386, 2008
Generating temporally contingent plans
JN Foss, N Onder
Planning and Learning in A Priori Unknown or Dynamic Domains 62, 2005
The DIPART project: A status report
ME Pollack, T Znati, E Ephrati, D Joslin, S Lauzac, A Nunes, N Onder, ...
Proceedings of the Annual ARPI Meeting, Tucson, AZ, 1994
Autonomous Navigation Planning with ROS
D Wonnacott, M Karhumaa, J Walker, N Onder
Michigan Technological University, 2-12, 2012
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Articles 1–20