Human activity impact on the heterogeneity of a Mediterranean landscape F Geri, V Amici, D Rocchini Applied geography 30 (3), 370-379, 2010 | 329 | 2010 |
Uncertainty in ecosystem mapping by remote sensing D Rocchini, GM Foody, H Nagendra, C Ricotta, M Anand, KS He, V Amici, ... Computers & Geosciences 50, 128-135, 2013 | 172 | 2013 |
Biodiversity, roads, & landscape fragmentation: Two Mediterranean cases M Marcantonio, D Rocchini, F Geri, G Bacaro, V Amici Applied Geography 42, 63-72, 2013 | 98 | 2013 |
Landscape structure effects on forest plant diversity at local scale: Exploring the role of spatial extent V Amici, D Rocchini, G Filibeck, G Bacaro, E Santi, F Geri, S Landi, ... Ecological Complexity 21, 44-52, 2015 | 78 | 2015 |
Influence of secondary forest succession on plant diversity patterns in a Mediterranean landscape V Amici, E Santi, G Filibeck, M Diekmann, F Geri, S Landi, A Scoppola, ... Journal of Biogeography 40 (12), 2335-2347, 2013 | 78 | 2013 |
A multi-temporal approach in MaxEnt modelling: A new frontier for land use/land cover change detection V Amici, M Marcantonio, N La Porta, D Rocchini Ecological informatics 40, 40-49, 2017 | 74 | 2017 |
Anthropogenic drivers of plant diversity: perspective on land use change in a dynamic cultural landscape V Amici, S Landi, F Frascaroli, D Rocchini, E Santi, A Chiarucci Biodiversity and Conservation 24, 3185-3199, 2015 | 62 | 2015 |
Spatially-based accuracy assessment of forestation prediction in a complex Mediterranean landscape F Geri, V Amici, D Rocchini Applied Geography 31 (3), 881-890, 2011 | 40 | 2011 |
Long-term patterns of change in a vanishing cultural landscape: A GIS-based assessment V Amici, S Maccherini, E Santi, D Torri, F Vergari, M Del Monte Ecological Informatics 37, 38-51, 2017 | 39 | 2017 |
Selecting focal species in ecological network planning following an expert-based approach: a case study and a conceptual framework V Amici, C Battisti Landscape Research 34 (5), 545-561, 2009 | 39 | 2009 |
Gully head modelling: A Mediterranean badland case study D Torri, J Poesen, M Rossi, V Amici, D Spennacchi, C Cremer Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 43 (12), 2547-2561, 2018 | 38 | 2018 |
The impact of forest roads on understory plant diversity in temperate hornbeam-beech forests of Northern Iran A Deljouei, E Abdi, M Marcantonio, B Majnounian, V Amici, H Sohrabi Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 189, 1-15, 2017 | 37 | 2017 |
Shape matters in sampling plant diversity: Evidence from the field G Bacaro, D Rocchini, M Diekmann, P Gasparini, M Gioria, S Maccherini, ... Ecological Complexity 24, 37-45, 2015 | 27 | 2015 |
An integrated method to create habitat suitability models for fragmented landscapes V Amici, F Geri, C Battisti Journal for Nature Conservation 18 (3), 215-223, 2010 | 26 | 2010 |
The impact of land abandonment on the plant diversity of olive groves S Maccherini, E Santi, I Bonini, V Amici, S Pruscini, D Palazzo, FC Selva Biodiversity and conservation 22, 3067-3083, 2013 | 25 | 2013 |
Anticipating species distributions: Handling sampling effort bias under a Bayesian framework D Rocchini, CX Garzon-Lopez, M Marcantonio, V Amici, G Bacaro, ... Science of the Total Environment 584, 282-290, 2017 | 24 | 2017 |
Effects of an afforestation process on plant species richness: A retrogressive analysis V Amici, D Rocchini, F Geri, G Bacaro, M Marcantonio, A Chiarucci Ecological Complexity 9, 55-62, 2012 | 21 | 2012 |
Badlands and the dynamics of human history, land use, and vegetation through centuries D Torri, M Rossi, F Brogi, M Marignani, G Bacaro, E Santi, E Tordoni, ... Badlands dynamics in a context of global change, 111-153, 2018 | 19 | 2018 |
Woody species diversity as predictor of vascular plant species diversity in forest ecosystems D Giorgini, P Giordani, G Casazza, V Amici, MG Mariotti, A Chiarucci Forest Ecology and Management 345, 50-55, 2015 | 19 | 2015 |
Ecological niche modelling with herbarium data: a framework to improve Natura 2000 habitat monitoring V AMICI, F GERI, I BONINI, D ROCCHINI APPLIED ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 12 (3), 645-659, 2014 | 19 | 2014 |