Robin Broder Hytowitz
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Cited by
Managing solar uncertainty in microgrid systems with stochastic unit commitment
RB Hytowitz, KW Hedman
Electric Power Systems Research 119, 111-118, 2015
Is desynchrony tolerance adaptable in the perceptual organization of speech?
RE Remez, DF Ferro, KR Dubowski, J Meer, RS Broder, ML Davids
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 72, 2054-2058, 2010
Dual pricing algorithm in ISO markets
RP O'Neill, A Castillo, B Eldridge, RB Hytowitz
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 32 (4), 3308-3310, 2016
Benefits of coordinating sizing, allocation and activation of reserves among market zones
K Van den Bergh, RB Hytowitz, K Bruninx, E Delarue, W Dhaeseleer, ...
Electric Power Systems Research 143, 140-148, 2017
Ancillary services in the United States: Technical requirements, market designs and price trends
E Ela, R Hytowitz, U Helman
Electric Power Research Institute, 2019
Impacts of price formation efforts considering high renewable penetration levels and system resource adequacy targets
RB Hytowitz, B Frew, G Stephen, E Ela, N Singhal, A Bloom, J Lau
National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2020
Auditory-phonetic projection and lexical structure in the recognition of sine-wave words.
RE Remez, KR Dubowski, RS Broder, ML Davids, YS Grossman, ...
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 37 (3), 968, 2011
Research priorities and opportunities in United States wholesale electricity markets
Y Sun, T Levin, J Kwon, Q Xu, N Singhal, E Ela, Z Zhou, ...
National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Argonne …, 2021
Evaluation of hybrid FPOG applications in regulated and deregulated markets using HERON
PW Talbot, DJ McDowell, JD Richards, JJ Cogliati, A Alfonsi, C Rabiti, ...
Idaho National Lab.(INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States); Electric Power …, 2020
Essays on average incremental cost pricing for independent system operators
R O’Neill, RB Hytowitz, P Whitman, D Mead, T Dautel, Y Chen, B Eldridge, ...
Working paper, Washington, DC, 2019
Market implications of reliability unit commitment formulations for day-ahead scheduling
GL LaBove, RB Hytowitz, KW Hedman
2014 IEEE PES General Meeting| Conference & Exposition, 1-5, 2014
Multi-period dual pricing algorithm in non-convex ISO markets
RB Hytowitz, RP O’Neill, B Eldridge, A Castillo
Technical Report, Working Paper, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, 2017
The benefits of coordinating the sizing, allocation and activation of flexibility between market zones
K Van den Bergh, R Broder, E Delarue, W D’haeseleer, B Hobbs
TME working paper 2015–14, 2015
Auditory-phonetic projection and lexical structure in the recognition of sine-wave words
RE Remez, KR Dubowski, RS Broder, ML Davids, YS Grossman, ...
Journal of experimental psychology. Human perception and performance 125 (4 …, 2009
Flexibility options: A proposed ISO product for managing energy imbalance risk
E Spyrou, RB Hytowitz, BF Hobbs, M Al-Ashery, M Cai, S Tyagi
National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2021
Research Priorities and Opportunities in US Wholesale Electricity Markets: Market Design under Deep Decarbonization
T Levin, B Frew, A Moreira, E Ela, M Mehrtash, A Silverman, A Botterud, ...
Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), Argonne, IL (United States), 2024
Flexibility Auctions: A Framework for Managing Imbalance Risk
E Spyrou, RB Hytowitz, BF Hobbs, M Al-Ashery, M Cai, E Ela, Y Zhang
National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2022
An Integrated Paradigm for the Management of Delivery Risk in Electricity Markets: From Batteries to Insurance and Beyond
RB Hytowitz, E Ela, I Krad, E Spyrou, M Cai, Y Liu, Y Zhang, B Hobbs, ...
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2021
Managing Solar Uncertainty in Neighboring Systems With Stochastic Unit Commitment
RB Hytowitz
Arizona State University, 2013
CSIRO Australian Research for the GPST
D Ramasubramanian, R Arritt, P Dattaray, R Entriken, E Farantatos, ...
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