Claudia Feitosa-Santana
Claudia Feitosa-Santana
Director, Neuroscience for Human Development
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Red-green color vision impairment in Duchenne muscular dystrophy
MF Costa, AGF Oliveira, C Feitosa-Santana, M Zatz, DF Ventura
The American Journal of Human Genetics 80 (6), 1064-1075, 2007
Color vision impairment in type 2 diabetes assessed by the D‐15d test and the Cambridge Colour Test
C Feitosa‐Santana, GV Paramei, M Nishi, M Gualtieri, MF Costa, ...
Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 30 (5), 717-723, 2010
Chromatic discrimination losses in multiple sclerosis patients with and without optic neuritis using the Cambridge Colour Test
ALDAUJ Moura, RAA Teixeira, NN Oiwa, MF Costa, C Feitosa-Santana, ...
Visual Neuroscience 25 (3), 463-468, 2008
Irreversible color vision losses in patients with chronic mercury vapor intoxication
C Feitosa-Santana, MTS Barboni, NN Oiwa, GV Paramei, ALAC Simões, ...
Visual Neuroscience 25 (3), 487-491, 2008
Preliminary findings on the effects of occupational exposure to mercury vapor below safety levels on visual and neuropsychological functions
MTS Barboni, C Feitosa-Santana, EC Zachi, M Lago, RAA Teixeira, ...
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 1403-1412, 2009
Color space distortions in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
C Feitosa-Santana, NN Oiwa, GV Paramei, D Bimler, MF Costa, M Lago, ...
Visual Neuroscience 23 (3-4), 663-668, 2006
Long-term loss of color vision after exposure to mercury vapor
C Feitosa-Santana, MF Costa, M Lago, DF Ventura
Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research 40 (3), 409-414, 2007
Intraocular straylight and contrast sensitivity after contralateral wavefront-guided LASIK and wavefront-guided PRK for myopia
J Barreto Jr, MTS Barboni, C Feitosa-Santana, JR Sato, SJ Bechara, ...
Journal of Refractive Surgery 26 (8), 588-593, 2010
Visual field losses in workers exposed to mercury vapor
MTS Barboni, MF da Costa, AL de Araújo Moura, C Feitosa-Santana, ...
Environmental Research 107 (1), 124-131, 2008
Early visual changes in diabetic patients with no retinopathy measured by color discrimination and electroretinography
M Gualtieri, C Feitosa-Santana, M Lago, M Nishi, DF Ventura
Psychology & Neuroscience 6 (2), 227-234, 2013
Pupillary response to representations of light in paintings
S Castellotti, M Conti, C Feitosa-Santana, MM Del Viva
Journal of Vision 20 (10), 14-14, 2020
Espaço de cores
C Feitosa-Santana, NN Oiwa, MF Costa, KB Tiedemann, LCL Silveira, ...
Psicologia Usp 17 (4), 35-62, 2006
Color vision impairment with low-level methylmercury exposure of an Amazonian population–Brazil
C Feitosa-Santana, G da Silva Souza, EVP Sirius, AR Rodrigues, ...
Neurotoxicology 66, 179-184, 2018
The effect of background music on the aesthetic experience of a visual artwork in a naturalistic environment
T Braun Janzen, B de Oliveira, G Ventorim Ferreira, JR Sato, ...
Psychology of Music, 03057356221079866, 2022
What kinds of contours bound the reach of filled-in color?
C Feitosa-Santana, AD D'Antona, SK Shevell
Journal of vision 11 (2), 2-2, 2011
Art through the colors of graffiti: from the perspective of the chromatic structure
C Feitosa-Santana, CM Gaddi, AE Gomes, S Nascimento
Sensors 20 (9), 2531, 2020
Color‐space distortions following long‐term occupational exposure to mercury vapor
C Feitosa‐Santana, DL Bimler, GV Paramei, NN Oiwa, MTS Barboni, ...
Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 30 (5), 724-730, 2010
Visual losses in early-onset and late-onset Parkinson’s disease
C Feitosa-Santana, MF Costa, HB Ferraz, LAF Andrade, AL Moura, ...
JOSA A 37 (5), A285-A293, 2020
Longitudinal measurements of luminance and chromatic contrast sensitivity: comparison between wavefront-guided LASIK and contralateral PRK for myopia
MTS Barboni, C Feitosa-Santana, J Barreto Junior, M Lago, SJ Bechara, ...
Arquivos brasileiros de oftalmologia 76, 270-273, 2013
Assessment of #TheDress With Traditional Color Vision Tests: Perception Differences Are Associated With Blueness
C Feitosa-Santana, M Lutze, PA Barrionuevo, D Cao
i-Perception 9 (2), 2041669518764192, 2018
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Articles 1–20