Elena Cherkaev
Elena Cherkaev
Professor of Mathematics, University of Utah
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Non-smooth gravity problem with total variation penalization functional
H Bertete-Aguirre, E Cherkaev, M Oristaglio
Geophysical Journal International 149 (2), 499-507, 2002
3-D magnetotelluric inversion including topography using deformed hexahedral edge finite elements and direct solvers parallelized on SMP computers–Part I: forward problem and …
M Kordy, P Wannamaker, V Maris, E Cherkaev, G Hill
Geophysical Journal International 204 (1), 74-93, 2016
Transition waves in bistable structures. II. Analytical solution: wave speed and energy dissipation
L Slepyan, A Cherkaev, E Cherkaev
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 53 (2), 407-436, 2005
Inverse homogenization for evaluation of effective properties of a mixture
E Cherkaev
Inverse Problems 17 (4), 1203, 2001
Optimal design for uncertain loading condition
A Cherkaev, E Cherkaeva
Homogenization, 193–213, 1999
Transition waves in bistable structures. I. Delocalization of damage
A Cherkaev, E Cherkaev, L Slepyan
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 53 (2), 383-405, 2005
Optimal design for uncertain loading condition
A Cherkaev, E Cherkaeva
Homogenization 50, 193-213, 1999
Minimax optimization problem of structural design
E Cherkaev, A Cherkaev
Computers & Structures 86 (13-14), 1426-1435, 2008
Principal compliance and robust optimal design
E Cherkaev, A Cherkaev
The Rational Spirit in Modern Continuum Mechanics: Essays and Papers …, 2004
Inverse electromagnetic scattering models for sea ice
KM Golden, D Borup, M Cheney, E Cherkaeva, MS Dawson, KH Ding, ...
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 36 (5), 1675-1704, 1998
Forward electromagnetic scattering models for sea ice
KM Golden, M Cheney, KH Ding, AK Fung, TC Grenfell, D Isaacson, ...
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 36 (5), 1655-1674, 1998
3-dimensional magnetotelluric inversion including topography using deformed hexahedral edge finite elements and direct solvers parallelized on symmetric multiprocessor …
M Kordy, P Wannamaker, V Maris, E Cherkaev, G Hill
Geophysical Journal International 204 (1), 94-110, 2016
Inverse bounds for microstructural parameters of composite media derived from complex permittivity measurements
E Cherkaeva, KM Golden
Waves in random media 8 (4), 437, 1998
On the definition of marginal ice zone width
C Strong, D Foster, E Cherkaev, I Eisenman, KM Golden
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 34 (7), 1565-1584, 2017
Reconstruction of spectral function from effective permittivity of a composite material using rational function approximations
D Zhang, E Cherkaev
Journal of Computational Physics 228 (15), 5390-5409, 2009
Electrical impedance spectroscopy as a potential tool for recovering bone porosity
C Bonifasi-Lista, E Cherkaev
Physics in Medicine & Biology 54 (10), 3063, 2009
Modeling sea ice
KM Golden, LG Bennetts, E Cherkaev, I Eisenman, D Feltham, C Horvat, ...
Stieltjes representation of the 3D Bruggeman effective medium and Padé approximation
D Zhang, E Cherkaev, MP Lamoureux
Applied Mathematics and Computation 217 (17), 7092-7107, 2011
Dehomogenization: reconstruction of moments of the spectral measure of the composite
E Cherkaev, MJY Ou
Inverse Problems 24 (6), 065008, 2008
Inverse conductivity problem for inaccurate measurements
E Cherkaev, AC Tripp
Inverse Problems 12 (6), 869, 1996
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Articles 1–20