Jeff Maguire
Jeff Maguire
Research Engineer, NREL
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Energy efficiency potential in the US single-family housing stock
EJ Wilson, CB Christensen, SG Horowitz, JJ Robertson, JB Maguire
National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2017
Community-scale interaction of energy efficiency and demand flexibility in residential buildings
P Munankarmi, J Maguire, SP Balamurugan, M Blonsky, D Roberts, X Jin
Applied Energy 298, 117149, 2021
Model predictive control of heat pump water heaters for energy efficiency
X Jin, J Maguire, D Christensen
Proceedings of the 18th ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings …, 2014
Low-cost solar water heating research and development roadmap
K Hudon, T Merrigan, J Burch, J Maguire
National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2012
OCHRE: The object-oriented, controllable, high-resolution residential energy model for dynamic integration studies
M Blonsky, J Maguire, K McKenna, D Cutler, SP Balamurugan, X Jin
Applied Energy 290, 116732, 2021
Comparison of advanced residential water heating technologies in the United States
J Maguire, X Fang, E Wilson
National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2013
Carbon emission responsive building control: A case study with an all-electric residential community in a cold climate
J Wang, P Munankarmi, J Maguire, C Shi, W Zuo, D Roberts, X Jin
Applied Energy 314, 118910, 2022
Home energy management under realistic and uncertain conditions: A comparison of heuristic, deterministic, and stochastic control methods
M Blonsky, K McKenna, J Maguire, T Vincent
Applied Energy 325, 119770, 2022
Regional Variation in Residential Heat Pump Water Heater Performance in the US
J Maguire, J Burch, T Merrigan, S Ong
National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2014
Heat pump water heater technology assessment based on laboratory research and energy simulation models
K Hudon, B Sparn, D Christensen, J Maguire
National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2012
Adapting existing energy planning, simulation, and operational models for resilience analysis
C Murphy, EL Hotchkiss, KH Anderson, CP Barrows, SM Cohen, S Dalvi, ...
National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2020
Co-simulation of transactive energy markets: A framework for market testing and evaluation
D Cutler, T Kwasnik, S Balamurugan, T Elgindy, S Swaminathan, ...
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 128, 106664, 2021
A parametric analysis of residential water heaters
JB Maguire
University of Colorado at Boulder, 2012
Energy Savings and Breakeven Costs for Residential Heat Pump Water Heaters in the United States
J Maguire, J Burch, T Merrigan, S Ong
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2013
The impact of energy-efficiency upgrades and other distributed energy resources on a residential neighborhood-scale electrification retrofit
L Earle, J Maguire, P Munankarmi, D Roberts
Applied Energy 329, 120256, 2023
Electric end-use energy efficiency potential in the US single-family housing stock
E Wilson, C Christensen, S Horowitz, J Robertson, J Maguire
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 2017
An analysis model for domestic hot water distribution systems
J Maguire, X Fang, M Krarti
Energy Sustainability 54686, 1937-1946, 2011
Metrics and analytical frameworks for valuing energy efficiency and distributed energy resources in the built environment
M Shah, D Cutler, J Maguire, Z Peterson, X Li, J Reyna, J Pohl
National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2020
Model predictive control for heat transfer to fluids
X Jin, J Maguire, D Christensen
US Patent 10,378,805, 2019
EnergyPlus and SEEM Modeling Enhancements via Software-to-Software Comparison Using NREL's BEopt Test Suite
S Horowitz, J Maguire, PC Tabares-Velasco, J Winkler, C Christensen
National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2016
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Articles 1–20