Aishwarya Venkat
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Cost and affordability of healthy diets across and within countries: Background paper for The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2020. FAO Agricultural …
A Herforth, Y Bai, A Venkat, K Mahrt, A Ebel, WA Masters
Food & Agriculture Org., 2020
Methods and options to monitor the cost and affordability of a healthy diet globally Background paper for The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2022
A Herforth, A Venkat, Y Bai, L Costlow, C Holleman, WA Masters
How seasonality of malnutrition is measured and analyzed
A Marshak, A Venkat, H Young, EN Naumova
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (4), 1828, 2021
Incorporating calendar effects to predict influenza seasonality in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
RB Simpson, TMA Falconi, A Venkat, KHH Chui, J Navidad, YN Naumov, ...
Epidemiology & Infection 147, e268, 2019
Using the household hunger scale to improve analysis and classification of severe food insecurity in famine-risk conditions: Evidence from three countries
D Maxwell, G Adan, P Hailey, M Day, SBJ Odhiambo, L Kaindi, J Njiru, ...
Food Policy 118, 102449, 2023
Masters. 2020
A Herforth, Y Bai, A Venkat, K Mahrt, A Ebel, A William
Cost and Affordability of Healthy Diets Across and Within Countries. FAO …, 2020
Cost and affordability of healthy diets across and within countries. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Technical Study No. 9
A Herforth, Y Bai, A Venkat, K Mahrt, A Ebel, WA Masters
Food and Agriculture Organisation, Rome, 2020
Spatiotemporal patterns of cholera hospitalization in Vellore, India
A Venkat, TMA Falconi, M Cruz, MA Hartwick, S Anandan, N Kumar, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (21), 4257, 2019
From hospitalization records to surveillance: The use of local patient profiles to characterize cholera in Vellore, India
MS Cruz, TM AlarconFalconi, MA Hartwick, A Venkat, HY Ehrlich, ...
Plos one 12 (8), e0182642, 2017
Lessons for Taadoud II: improving natural resource management
H Young, M Fitzpatrick, A Mashak, A Radday, F Staro, V Aishwarya
Seasonality of acute malnutrition in African drylands: evidence from 15 years of SMART surveys
A Venkat, A Marshak, H Young, EN Naumova
Food and Nutrition Bulletin 44 (2_suppl), S94-S108, 2023
Extreme weather events differentially impact retail food prices: evidence from early warning systems
A Venkat, W Masters, E Naumova
Current Developments in Nutrition 6, 82, 2022
Twin peaks: the seasonality of acute malnutrition, conflict and environmental factors-Chad, South Sudan and the Sudan
H Young, A Marshak, A Venkat
FAO and Tufts University;, 2019
Monitoring the Cost and Affordability of a Healthy Diet within Countries: Building Systems in Ethiopia, Ghana, Malawi, Nigeria, Pakistan, Tanzania, and Viet Nam
AW Herforth, R Gilbert, K Sokourenko, T Fatima, O Adeyemi, ...
Current Developments in Nutrition, 104441, 2024
Supply Chain Resilience to Extreme Weather: Evidence from Early Warning Systems
A Venkat, WA Masters
The Healthy Diet Basket is a comparable global standard for the Cost of a Healthy Diet, meeting nutritional and environmental criteria
A Herforth, Y Bai, A Venkat, W Masters
Extreme weather and undernutrition: A critical but constructive review of the literature
D Headey, A Venkat
Intl Food Policy Res Inst, 2024
P17-028-23 Developing a Standard for Global Monitoring of the Cost and Affordability of Healthy Diets
A Herforth, Y Bai, W Masters, A Venkat
Current Developments in Nutrition 7, 2023
Seasonal Patterns of Acute Malnutrition and Climatic Variability: Evidence from Africa
A Venkat, A Marshak, EN Naumova
Chapman Conference on Climate and Health, 2023
Seasonality of nutrition
IR Cliffer, A Marshak, KR Schneider, A Venkat, EN Naumova
Academic Press, 2023
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Articles 1–20