The Origin ofThe Species by Means of Natural Selection CR Darwin The new American Library, New York, 1859 | 65895* | 1859 |
The descent of man and evolution in relation to sex C Darwin London: Murray, 1871 | 34292* | 1871 |
The variation of animals and plants under domestication. Reprint, 1972 CD Darwin AMS Press, New York, 1868 | 4959* | 1868 |
Journal of Researches into the Geology and Natural History of the Various Countries Visited by HMS CR Darwin John Murray, 1839 | 4598* | 1839 |
The formation of vegetable mould, through the action of worms, with observations on their habits C Darwin J. Murray, 1892 | 3001 | 1892 |
The Autobiography of Charles Darwin CR Darwin Prometheus Books, 2010 | 2987* | 2010 |
The Different Forms ofFlowers on Plants ofthe Same Species C Darwin London: John Murray, 1877 | 2965* | 1877 |
The Effect of Cross and Self Fertilization in the Plant Kingdom C Darwin Murray, London, 1876 | 2804* | 1876 |
Полное собрание сочинений ИП Павлов РГБ, 2008 | 2733* | 2008 |
The life and letters of Charles Darwin: including an autobiographical chapter C Darwin J. Murray, 1887 | 2707 | 1887 |
The various contrivances by which orchids are fertilised by insects C Darwin John Murray, 1877 | 2604 | 1877 |
On the Orngin of Species CR Darwin London: John Murray, 1859 | 2523* | 1859 |
The Voyage of the HMS Beagle: Journal of Researches into the Natural History and Geology of the Countries Visited during the Voyage of HMS Beagle Round the World, under the … CR Darwin London: John Murray, 1890 | 2465* | 1890 |
El Origen de las Especies por Medio de la Selección Natural CR Darwin Espasa-Calpe, Madrid (Trad. de A. de Zulueta), 1930 | 2130* | 1930 |
Darwin on man: A psychological study of scientific creativity. HE Gruber, PH Barrett EP Dutton, 1974 | 2100 | 1974 |
Origin of species CMA Darwin DMP, 1978 | 2072* | 1978 |
A Monograph on the Subclass Cirripedia 2. The Balanidae, Verrucidae, etc CR Darwin London: Ray Society, 1854 | 1874* | 1854 |
A biographical sketch of an infant C Darwin Mind 2 (7), 285-294, 1877 | 1690 | 1877 |
Происхождение видов путем естественного отбора.. Ч Дарвина опубликованная, 1939 | 1649* | 1939 |
1854 C Darwin A monograph on the sub-class Cirripedia, I & II. London, 1851 | 1582* | 1851 |