Hjalmar Laudon
Hjalmar Laudon
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Quantifying global soil carbon losses in response to warming
TW Crowther, KEO Todd-Brown, CW Rowe, WR Wieder, JC Carey, ...
Nature 540 (7631), 104-108, 2016
Sources of and processes controlling CO2 emissions change with the size of streams and rivers
ER Hotchkiss, RO Hall Jr, RA Sponseller, D Butman, J Klaminder, ...
Nature Geoscience 8 (9), 696-699, 2015
Experimental insights into the importance of aquatic bacterial community composition to the degradation of dissolved organic matter
JB Logue, CA Stedmon, AM Kellerman, NJ Nielsen, AF Andersson, ...
The ISME journal 10 (3), 533-545, 2016
Patterns and dynamics of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in boreal streams: The role of processes, connectivity, and scaling
H Laudon, M Berggren, A Ågren, I Buffam, K Bishop, T Grabs, M Jansson, ...
Ecosystems 14, 880-893, 2011
Current browning of surface waters will be further promoted by wetter climate
HA De Wit, S Valinia, GA Weyhenmeyer, MN Futter, P Kortelainen, ...
Environmental Science & Technology Letters 3 (12), 430-435, 2016
Contemporary carbon accumulation in a boreal oligotrophic minerogenic mire–a significant sink after accounting for all C‐fluxes
M Nilsson, J Sagerfors, I Buffam, H Laudon, T Eriksson, A Grelle, ...
Global Change Biology 14 (10), 2317-2332, 2008
Resolving the double paradox of rapidly mobilized old water with highly variable responses in runoff chemistry.
K Bishop, J Seibert, S Köhler, H Laudon
Thirty‐five years of synchrony in the organic matter concentrations of Swedish rivers explained by variation in flow and sulphate
M Erlandsson, I Buffam, J Fölster, H Laudon, J Temnerud, ...
Global Change Biology 14 (5), 1191-1198, 2008
Modeling spatial patterns of saturated areas: A comparison of the topographic wetness index and a dynamic distributed model
T Grabs, J Seibert, K Bishop, H Laudon
Journal of Hydrology 373 (1-2), 15-23, 2009
Seasonal TOC export from seven boreal catchments in northern Sweden
H Laudon, S Köhler, I Buffam
Aquatic Sciences 66, 223-230, 2004
Intermediate tree cover can maximize groundwater recharge in the seasonally dry tropics
U Ilstedt, A Bargués Tobella, HR Bazié, J Bayala, E Verbeeten, G Nyberg, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 21930, 2016
The river as a chemostat: fresh perspectives on dissolved organic matter flowing down the river continuum
IF Creed, DM McKnight, BA Pellerin, MB Green, BA Bergamaschi, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 72 (8), 1272-1285, 2015
Replacing monocultures with mixed-species stands: Ecosystem service implications of two production forest alternatives in Sweden
A Felton, U Nilsson, J Sonesson, AM Felton, JM Roberge, T Ranius, ...
Ambio 45, 124-139, 2016
Aqua Incognita: the unknown headwaters
K Bishop, I Buffam, M Erlandsson, J Folster, H Laudon, J Seibert, ...
Hydrological Processes 22 (8), 1239, 2008
Browning of freshwaters: Consequences to ecosystem services, underlying drivers, and potential mitigation measures
ES Kritzberg, EM Hasselquist, M Škerlep, S Löfgren, O Olsson, ...
Ambio 49, 375-390, 2020
A meta-analysis of the effects of nitrogen additions on base cations: implications for plants, soils, and streams
RW Lucas, J Klaminder, MN Futter, KH Bishop, G Egnell, H Laudon, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 262 (2), 95-104, 2011
Biomass offsets little or none of permafrost carbon release from soils, streams, and wildfire: an expert assessment
BW Abbott, JB Jones, EAG Schuur, FS Chapin III, WB Bowden, ...
Environmental Research Letters 11 (3), 034014, 2016
The effect of trees on preferential flow and soil infiltrability in an agroforestry parkland in semiarid Burkina Faso
A Bargués Tobella, H Reese, A Almaw, J Bayala, A Malmer, H Laudon, ...
Water resources research 50 (4), 3342-3354, 2014
Importance of seasonality and small streams for the landscape regulation of dissolved organic carbon export
A Ågren, I Buffam, M Jansson, H Laudon
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 112 (G3), 2007
The Krycklan Catchment Study—A flagship infrastructure for hydrology, biogeochemistry, and climate research in the boreal landscape
H Laudon, I Taberman, A Ågren, M Futter, M Ottosson‐Löfvenius, ...
Water Resources Research 49 (10), 7154-7158, 2013
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Articles 1–20