Daniel Williamson
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Cited by
The art and science of climate model tuning
F Hourdin, T Mauritsen, A Gettelman, JC Golaz, V Balaji, Q Duan, D Folini, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 98 (3), 589-602, 2017
History matching for exploring and reducing climate model parameter space using observations and a large perturbed physics ensemble
D Williamson, M Goldstein, L Allison, A Blaker, P Challenor, L Jackson, ...
Climate dynamics 41, 1703-1729, 2013
Identifying and removing structural biases in climate models with history matching
D Williamson, AT Blaker, C Hampton, J Salter
Climate dynamics 45, 1299-1324, 2015
Process‐based climate model development harnessing machine learning: I. A calibration tool for parameterization improvement
F Couvreux, F Hourdin, D Williamson, R Roehrig, V Volodina, ...
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 13 (3), e2020MS002217, 2021
Uncertainty quantification for computer models with spatial output using calibration-optimal bases
JM Salter, DB Williamson, J Scinocca, V Kharin
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2019
Early epidemiological signatures of novel SARS-CoV-2 variants: establishment of B. 1.617. 2 in England
R Challen, L Dyson, CE Overton, LM Guzman-Rincon, EM Hill, HB Stage, ...
MedRxiv, 2021.06. 05.21258365, 2021
Ice-free Arctic at 1.5° C?
JA Screen, D Williamson
Nature Climate Change 7 (4), 230-231, 2017
Tuning without over-tuning: parametric uncertainty quantification for the NEMO ocean model
DB Williamson, AT Blaker, B Sinha
Geoscientific Model Development 10 (4), 1789-1816, 2017
The art and science of climate model tuning, B. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 98, 589–602
F Hourdin, T Mauritsen, A Gettelman, JC Golaz, V Balaji, Q Duan, D Folini, ...
Process‐based climate model development harnessing machine learning: II. Model calibration from single column to global
F Hourdin, D Williamson, C Rio, F Couvreux, R Roehrig, N Villefranque, ...
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 13 (6), e2020MS002225, 2021
A comparison of statistical emulation methodologies for multi‐wave calibration of environmental models
JM Salter, D Williamson
Environmetrics 27 (8), 507-523, 2016
Exploratory ensemble designs for environmental models using k‐extended Latin Hypercubes
D Williamson
Environmetrics 26 (4), 268-283, 2015
Fast linked analyses for scenario-based hierarchies
D Williamson, M Goldstein, A Blaker
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C: Applied Statistics 61 (5 …, 2012
Evolving Bayesian emulators for structured chaotic time series, with application to large climate models
D Williamson, AT Blaker
SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 2 (1), 1-28, 2014
Deep Gaussian process emulation using stochastic imputation
D Ming, D Williamson, S Guillas
Technometrics 65 (2), 150-161, 2023
How are emergent constraints quantifying uncertainty and what do they leave behind?
DB Williamson, PG Sansom
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 100 (12), 2571-2588, 2019
Efficient uniform designs for multi-wave computer experiments
D Williamson, I Vernon
arXiv preprint arXiv:1309.3520, 2013
Diagnostics-driven nonstationary emulators using kernel mixtures
V Volodina, D Williamson
SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 8 (1), 1-26, 2020
Smart cities and behavioural change:(Un) sustainable mobilities in the neo-liberal city
S Barr, S Lampkin, L Dawkins, D Williamson
Geoforum 125, 140-149, 2021
Bayesian policy support for adaptive strategies using computer models for complex physical systems
D Williamson, M Goldstein
Journal of the Operational Research Society 63 (8), 1021-1033, 2012
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Articles 1–20