Mohamed-Ramzi AMMAR
Mohamed-Ramzi AMMAR
Maitre de conférences HDR / Université d'Orléans
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Cited by
Exploring electrolyte organization in supercapacitor electrodes with solid-state NMR
M Deschamps, E Gilbert, P Azais, E Raymundo-Piñero, MR Ammar, ...
Nature materials 12 (4), 351-358, 2013
Characterizing various types of defects in nuclear graphite using Raman scattering: Heat treatment, ion irradiation and polishing
MR Ammar, N Galy, JN Rouzaud, N Toulhoat, CE Vaudey, P Simon, ...
Carbon 95, 364-373, 2015
Determination of crystallite size in polished graphitized carbon by Raman spectroscopy
OA Maslova, MR Ammar, G Guimbretière, JN Rouzaud, P Simon
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (13), 134205, 2012
Determination of in-depth damaged profile by Raman line scan in a pre-cut He2+ irradiated UO2
G Guimbretière, L Desgranges, A Canizarès, G Carlot, R Caraballo, ...
Applied Physics Letters 100 (25), 2012
How to obtain a reliable structural characterization of polished graphitized carbons by Raman microspectroscopy
MR Ammar, JN Rouzaud
Journal of Raman spectroscopy 43 (2), 207-211, 2012
Raman imaging and principal component analysis-based data processing on uranium oxide ceramics
OA Maslova, G Guimbretière, MR Ammar, L Desgranges, C Jégou, ...
Materials Characterization 129, 260-269, 2017
Phase transformation characterization of olivine subjected to high temperature in air
R Michel, MR Ammar, J Poirier, P Simon
Ceramics International 39 (5), 5287-5294, 2013
The catalytic effect of iron oxides on the formation of nano-carbon by the Boudouard reaction in refractories
N Bost, MR Ammar, ML Bouchetou, J Poirier
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 36 (8), 2133-2142, 2016
Revealing the biotic origin of silicified Precambrian carbonaceous microstructures using Raman spectroscopic mapping, a potential method for the detection of microfossils on Mars
F Foucher, MR Ammar, F Westall
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 46 (10), 873-879, 2015
Characterization of graphite implanted with chlorine ions using combined Raman microspectrometry and transmission electron microscopy on thin sections prepared by focused ion beam
MR Ammar, JN Rouzaud, CE Vaudey, N Toulhoat, N Moncoffre
Carbon 48 (4), 1244-1251, 2010
Characterization of the microstructure of a selective laser melting processed Al-50Si alloy: Effect of heat treatments
N Kang, P Coddet, MR Ammar, H Liao, C Coddet
Materials Characterization 130, 243-249, 2017
Plasma synthesis of polyaniline enrobed carbon nanotubes for electrochemical applications
S Hussain, E Kovacevic, R Amade, J Berndt, C Pattyn, A Dias, ...
Electrochimica Acta 268, 218-225, 2018
In situ Raman monitoring of He2+ irradiation induced damage in a UO2 ceramic
G Guimbretière, L Desgranges, A Canizarès, R Caraballo, F Duval, ...
Applied Physics Letters 103 (4), 2013
Pyrolytic conversion of organopolysiloxanes
D Hourlier, S Venkatachalam, MR Ammar, Y Blum
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 123, 296-306, 2017
Low-temperature low-power PECVD synthesis of vertically aligned graphene
S Hussain, E Kovacevic, J Berndt, NM Santhosh, C Pattyn, A Dias, ...
Nanotechnology 31 (39), 395604, 2020
Si/C composites prepared by spray drying from cross-linked polyvinyl alcohol as Li-ion batteries anodes
C Paireau, S Jouanneau, MR Ammar, P Simon, F Béguin, ...
Electrochimica Acta 174, 361-368, 2015
In-Situ Raman Observation of the First Step of Uranium Dioxide Weathering Exposed to Water Radiolysis
G Guimbretière, A Canizares, P Simon, YA Tobon-Correa, MR Ammar, ...
Spectroscopy Letters 44 (7-8), 570-573, 2011
Thermal conductivity of Kapton-derived carbon
S Venkatachalam, M Depriester, AH Sahraoui, B Capoen, MR Ammar, ...
Carbon 114, 134-140, 2017
Laser synthesis of hard carbon for anodes in Na‐ion battery
B Zhang, M Deschamps, MR Ammar, E Raymundo‐Piñero, L Hennet, ...
Advanced Materials Technologies 2 (3), 1600227, 2017
Characterization of Nuclear Materials in Extreme Conditions: Raman Spectroscopy Approach
G Guimbretiere, L Desgranges, C Jegou, A Canizares, P Simon, ...
IEEE, 2014
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Articles 1–20