Timothy D. Stark
Timothy D. Stark
Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Illinios at Urbana-Champaign
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Drained residual strength of cohesive soils
TD Stark, HT Eid
Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 120 (5), 856-871, 1994
Liquefied strength ratio from liquefaction flow failure case histories
SM Olson, TD Stark
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 39 (3), 629-647, 2002
Liquefaction resistance using CPT and field case histories
TD Stark, SM Olson
Journal of geotechnical engineering 121 (12), 856-869, 1995
Secondary compression of peat with or without surcharging
G Mesri, TD Stark, MA Ajlouni, CS Chen
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 123 (5), 411-421, 1997
Drained shear strength parameters for analysis of landslides
TD Stark, H Choi, S McCone
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 131 (5), 575-588, 2005
Municipal solid waste slope failure. I: Waste and foundation soil properties
HT Eid, TD Stark, WD Evans, PE Sherry
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 126 (5), 397-407, 2000
Undrained shear strength of liquefied sands for stability analysis
TD Stark, G Mesri
Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 118 (11), 1727-1747, 1992
Performance of three-dimensional slope stability methods in practice
TD Stark, HT Eid
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental engineering 124 (11), 1049-1060, 1998
Yield strength ratio and liquefaction analysis of slopes and embankments
SM Olson, TD Stark
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 129 (8), 727-737, 2003
Landfill liner interface strengths from torsional-ring-shear tests
TD Stark, AR Poeppel
Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 120 (3), 597-615, 1994
Slope stability analyses in stiff fissured clays
TD Stark, HT Eid
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 123 (4), 335-343, 1997
HDPE geomembrane/geotextile interface shear strength
TD Stark, TA Williamson, HT Eid
Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 122 (3), 197-203, 1996
Slope inclinometers for landslides
TD Stark, H Choi
Landslides 5, 339-350, 2008
Geofoam applications in the design and construction of highway embankments
TD Stark, D Arellano, JS Horvath, D Leshchinsky
NCHRP web document 65, 24-31, 2004
1907 static liquefaction flow failure of the north dike of Wachusett dam
SM Olson, TD Stark, WH Walton, G Castro
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental engineering 126 (12), 1184-1193, 2000
Municipal solid waste slope failure. II: Stability analyses
TD Stark, HT Eid, WD Evans, PE Sherry
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 126 (5), 408-419, 2000
Aluminum reactions and problems in municipal solid waste landfills
GV Calder, TD Stark
Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management 14 …, 2010
Shear strength of municipal solid waste for stability analyses
TD Stark, N Huvaj-Sarihan, G Li
Environmental geology 57, 1911-1923, 2009
Guideline and recommended standard for geofoam applications in highway embankments
TD Stark
Transportation Research Board, 2004
Empirical correlations: drained shear strength for slope stability analyses
TD Stark, M Hussain
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 139 (6), 853-862, 2013
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Articles 1–20