Miguel A. Pascual
Miguel A. Pascual
Centro Nacional Patagónico, CONICET, Puerto Madryn, Argentina.
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What can adaptive management do for our fish, forests, food, and biodiversity?
DY Parma, Ana M, ., P. Amarasekare, M. Mangel, J
Integrative Biology: Issues, News, and Reviews 1 (1), 16-26, 1998
Evaluating potential effects of exotic freshwater fish from incomplete species presence–absence data
M Pascual, P Macchi, J Urbanski, F Marcos, C Riva Rossi, M Novara, ...
Biological invasions 4, 101-113, 2002
Management of populations in conservation, harvesting, and control
K Shea, P Amarasekare, P Kareiva, M Mangel, J Moore, WW Murdoch, ...
Trends in Ecology and Evolution 13, 371-375, 1998
First documented case of anadromy in a population of introduced rainbow trout in Patagonia, Argentina
M Pascual, P Bentzen, C Riva Rossi, G Mackey, MT Kinnison, R Walker
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 130 (1), 53-67, 2001
Freshwater fishes of Patagonia in the 21st Century after a hundred years of human settlement, species introductions, and environmental change
MA Pascual, V Cussac, B Dyer, D Soto, P Vigliano, S Ortubay, P Macchi
Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management 10 (2), 212-227, 2007
Can we use experiments and models in predicting the invasiveness of genetically engineered organisms?
P Kareiva, IM Parker, M Pascual
Ecology 77 (6), 1670-1675, 1996
The analysis of population persistence: an outlook on the practice of viability analysis
MJ Groom, MA Pascual
Conservation biology: for the coming decade, 4-27, 1998
Trophic relationships of exotic anadromous salmonids in the southern Patagonian Shelf as inferred from stable isotopes
JE Ciancio, MA Pascual, F Botto, E Frere, O Iribarne
Limnology and Oceanography 53 (2), 788-798, 2008
Getting water right: A case study in water yield modelling based on precipitation data
N Pessacg, S Flaherty, L Brandizi, S Solman, M Pascual
Science of the Total Environment 537, 225-234, 2015
The decline of the Steller sea lion in the northeast Pacific: demography, harvest or environment?
MA Pascual, MD Adkison
Ecological Applications 4 (2), 393-403, 1994
The Influence of Model Structure on Conclusions about the Viability and Harvesting of Serengeti Wildebeest: La Influencia de la Estructura de un Modelo en la Conclusiones …
MA Pascual, P Kareiva, R Hilborn
Conservation Biology 11 (4), 966-976, 1997
Energy density of Patagonian aquatic organisms and empirical predictions based on water content
JE Ciancio, MA Pascual, DA Beauchamp
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 136 (5), 1415-1422, 2007
How good are empirical predictions of natural mortality?
MA Pascual, OO Iribarne
Fisheries Research 16 (1), 17-24, 1993
Predicting the outcome of competition using experimental data: maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches
MA Pascual, P Kareiva
Ecology 77 (2), 337-349, 1996
Differential piscivory of the native Percichthys trucha and exotic salmonids upon the native forage fish Galaxias maculatus in Patagonian Andean lakes
PJ Macchi, MA Pascual, PH Vigliano
Limnologica 37 (1), 76-87, 2007
Climate change in northern Patagonia: critical decrease in water resources
P Natalia, F Silvia, S Silvina, P Miguel
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 140 (3), 807-822, 2020
Colonization of the southern Patagonia Ocean by exotic Chinook salmon
LA Becker, MA Pascual, NG Basso
Conservation Biology 21 (5), 1347-1352, 2007
Natural Colonization and Establishment of a Chinook Salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, Population in the Santa Cruz River, an Atlantic Basin of Patagonia
JE Ciancio, MA Pascual, J Lancelotti, CMR Rossi, F Botto
Environmental Biology of Fishes 74, 219-227, 2005
Introduced anadromous salmonids in Patagonia: risks, uses, and a conservation paradox
MA Pascual, JE Ciancio
Ecological and genetic implications of aquaculture activities, 333-353, 2007
Factors affecting the homing of fall Chinook salmon from Columbia River hatcheries
MA Pascual, TP Quinn, H Fuss
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 124 (3), 308-320, 1995
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