Diego F Grosz
Diego F Grosz
Grupo de Comunicaciones Ópticas, Depto. de Ing. en Telecomunicaciones, Centro Atómico Bariloche
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2.5 Tb/s (64× 42.7 Gb/s) transmission over 40× 100 km NZDSF using RZ-DPSK format and all-Raman-amplified spans
AH Gnauck, G Raybon, S Chandrasekhar, J Leuthold, C Doerr, L Stulz, ...
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, FC2, 2002
Characterization of a liquid crystal television as a programmable spatial light modulator
JA Coy, M Zaldarriaga, DF Grosz, OE Martinez
Optical Engineering 35 (1), 15-19, 1996
Modulation instability induced resonant four-wave mixing in WDM systems
DF Grosz, C Mazzali, S Celaschi, A Paradisi, HL Fragnito
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 11 (3), 379-381, 1999
Optimum integration procedures for supercontinuum simulation
AA Rieznik, AM Heidt, PG Konig, VA Bettachini, DF Grosz
IEEE photonics journal 4 (2), 552-560, 2012
5.12 Tb/s (128× 42.7 Gb/s) transmission with 0.8 bit/s/Hz spectral efficiency over 1280 km of standard single-mode fiber using all-Raman amplification and strong signal filtering
DF Grosz, A Agarwal, S Banerjee, AP Kung, DN Maywar, A Gurevich, ...
2002 28TH European Conference on Optical Communication 5, 1-2, 2002
Ultra-high-capacity long-haul 40-Gb/s WDM transmission with 0.8-b/s/Hz spectral efficiency by means of strong optical filtering
A Agarwal, S Banerjee, DF Grosz, AP Kung, DN Maywar, A Gurevich, ...
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 15 (3), 470-472, 2003
On the beneficial role of noise in resistive switching
GA Patterson, PI Fierens, DF Grosz
Applied Physics Letters 103 (7), 2013
Simple method for measuring dispersion and nonlinear coefficient near the zero dispersion wavelength of optical fibers
C Mazzali, DF Grosz, HL Fragnito
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 11 (2), 251-253, 1999
All-Raman ultralong-haul single-wideband DWDM transmission systems with OADM capability
DF Grosz, A Agarwal, S Banerjee, DN Maywar, AP Kung
Journal of lightwave technology 22 (2), 423-432, 2004
Demonstration of all-Raman ultra-wideband transmission of 1.28 Tb/s (128/spl times/10 Gb/s) over 4000 km of NZ-DSF with large BER margins
DF Grosz, A Kung, DN Maywar, L Altman, M Movassaghi, HC Lin, ...
Proceedings 27th European Conference on Optical Communication (Cat. No …, 2001
Modified nonlinear Schrödinger equation for frequency-dependent nonlinear profiles of arbitrary sign
J Bonetti, N Linale, AD Sánchez, SM Hernandez, PI Fierens, DF Grosz
JOSA B 36 (11), 3139-3144, 2019
Uncertainty relation for the optimization of optical-fiber transmission systems simulations
AA Rieznik, T Tolisano, FA Callegari, DF Grosz, HL Fragnito
Optics express 13 (10), 3822-3834, 2005
Photon-conserving generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation for frequency-dependent nonlinearities
J Bonetti, N Linale, AD Sánchez, SM Hernandez, PI Fierens, DF Grosz
JOSA B 37 (2), 445-450, 2020
Femtosecond soliton source with fast and broad spectral tunability
ME Masip, AA Rieznik, PG König, DF Grosz, AV Bragas, OE Martinez
Optics letters 34 (6), 842-844, 2009
Ultralong-haul transmission of 40-Gb/s RZ-DPSK in a 10/40 G hybrid system over 2500 km of NZ-DSF
A Agarwal, S Banerjee, DF Grosz, AP Kung, DN Maywar, TH Wood
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 15 (12), 1779-1781, 2003
Sistemas de Comunicación por Fibra Óptica de alta capacidad
DF Grosz
Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2003
Impact of DCF properties on system design
RJ Essiambre, PJ Winzer, DF Grosz
Journal of Optical and Fiber Communications Reports 3 (4), 221-291, 2006
Modulation instability effects on three-channel optically multiplexed communication systems
DF Grosz, JMC Boggio, HL Fragnito
Optics communications 171 (1-3), 53-60, 1999
On the dynamics of a single-bit stochastic-resonance memory device
SA Ibáńez, PI Fierens, RPJ Perazzo, GA Patterson, DF Grosz
The European Physical Journal B 76, 49-55, 2010
Modulation instability in waveguides with an arbitrary frequency-dependent nonlinear coefficient
N Linale, J Bonetti, AD Sánchez, S Hernandez, PI Fierens, DF Grosz
Optics letters 45 (9), 2498-2501, 2020
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Articles 1–20