Jakob Reichel
Jakob Reichel
Professor of Quantum Physics, Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, ENS-PSL/CNRS/Sorbonne Université
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Bloch oscillations of atoms in an optical potential
MB Dahan, E Peik, J Reichel, Y Castin, C Salomon
Physical Review Letters 76 (24), 4508, 1996
Bose–Einstein condensation on a microelectronic chip
W Hänsel, P Hommelhoff, TW Hänsch, J Reichel
Nature 413 (6855), 498-501, 2001
Strong atom–field coupling for Bose–Einstein condensates in an optical cavity on a chip
Y Colombe, T Steinmetz, G Dubois, F Linke, D Hunger, J Reichel
Nature 450 (7167), 272-276, 2007
Atomic micromanipulation with magnetic surface traps
J Reichel, W Hänsel, TW Hänsch
Physical review letters 83 (17), 3398, 1999
A fiber Fabry–Perot cavity with high finesse
D Hunger, T Steinmetz, Y Colombe, C Deutsch, TW Hänsch, J Reichel
New Journal of Physics 12 (6), 065038, 2010
Interferometry with Bose-Einstein condensates in microgravity
H Müntinga, H Ahlers, M Krutzik, A Wenzlawski, S Arnold, D Becker, ...
Physical review letters 110 (9), 093602, 2013
Bose-Einstein condensation in microgravity
T van Zoest, N Gaaloul, Y Singh, H Ahlers, W Herr, ST Seidel, W Ertmer, ...
Science 328 (5985), 1540-1543, 2010
Microchip traps and Bose–Einstein condensation
J Reichel
Applied Physics B 74 (6), 469-487, 2002
Coherence in microchip traps
P Treutlein, P Hommelhoff, T Steinmetz, TW Hänsch, J Reichel
Physical review letters 92 (20), 203005, 2004
Magnetic conveyor belt for transporting and merging trapped atom clouds
W Hänsel, J Reichel, P Hommelhoff, TW Hänsch
Physical review letters 86 (4), 608, 2001
Coherent manipulation of Bose–Einstein condensates with state-dependent microwave potentials on an atom chip
P Böhi, MF Riedel, J Hoffrogge, J Reichel, TW Hänsch, P Treutlein
Nature Physics 5 (8), 592-597, 2009
Spin self-rephasing and very long coherence times in a trapped atomic ensemble
C Deutsch, F Ramirez-Martinez, C Lacroûte, F Reinhard, T Schneider, ...
Physical review letters 105 (2), 020401, 2010
Atom chips
J Reichel, V Vuletic
John Wiley & Sons, 2011
Coupling of a single nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond to a fiber-based microcavity
R Albrecht, A Bommer, C Deutsch, J Reichel, C Becher
Physical review letters 110 (24), 243602, 2013
Bose-Einstein condensate coupled to a nanomechanical resonator on an atom chip
P Treutlein, D Hunger, S Camerer, TW Hänsch, J Reichel
Physical review letters 99 (14), 140403, 2007
Trapped-atom interferometer in a magnetic microtrap
W Hänsel, J Reichel, P Hommelhoff, TW Hänsch
Physical Review A 64 (6), 063607, 2001
Entangled states of more than 40 atoms in an optical fiber cavity
F Haas, J Volz, R Gehr, J Reichel, J Estève
Science 344 (6180), 180-183, 2014
Optically mediated hybridization between two mechanical modes
AB Shkarin, NE Flowers-Jacobs, SW Hoch, AD Kashkanova, C Deutsch, ...
Physical review letters 112 (1), 013602, 2014
Raman cooling of cesium below 3 nK: New approach inspired by Lévy flight statistics
J Reichel, F Bardou, MB Dahan, E Peik, S Rand, C Salomon, ...
Physical review letters 75 (25), 4575, 1995
Atom-chip Bose-Einstein condensation in a portable vacuum cell
S Du, MB Squires, Y Imai, L Czaia, RA Saravanan, V Bright, J Reichel, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 70 (5), 053606, 2004
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Articles 1–20