John Kochalka
John Kochalka
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Causal interactions within a frontal-cingulate-parietal network during cognitive control: Convergent evidence from a multisite–multitask investigation
W Cai, T Chen, S Ryali, J Kochalka, CSR Li, V Menon
Cerebral cortex 26 (5), 2140-2153, 2016
Uncovering hidden brain state dynamics that regulate performance and decision-making during cognition
J Taghia, W Cai, S Ryali, J Kochalka, J Nicholas, T Chen, V Menon
Nature communications 9 (1), 2505, 2018
The visual word form area (VWFA) is part of both language and attention circuitry
L Chen, D Wassermann, DA Abrams, J Kochalka, G Gallardo-Diez, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 5601, 2019
Deficits in mesolimbic reward pathway underlie social interaction impairments in children with autism
K Supekar, J Kochalka, M Schaer, H Wakeman, S Qin, A Padmanabhan, ...
Brain 141 (9), 2795-2805, 2018
Brain structural integrity and intrinsic functional connectivity forecast 6 year longitudinal growth in children's numerical abilities
TM Evans, J Kochalka, TJ Ngoon, SS Wu, S Qin, C Battista, V Menon
Journal of Neuroscience 35 (33), 11743-11750, 2015
Insula response and connectivity during social and non-social attention in children with autism
P Odriozola, LQ Uddin, CJ Lynch, J Kochalka, T Chen, V Menon
Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 11 (3), 433-444, 2016
Parietal hyper‐connectivity, aberrant brain organization, and circuit‐based biomarkers in children with mathematical disabilities
D Jolles, S Ashkenazi, J Kochalka, T Evans, J Richardson, ...
Developmental science 19 (4), 613-631, 2016
Sex differences in cortical volume and gyrification in autism
M Schaer, J Kochalka, A Padmanabhan, K Supekar, V Menon
Molecular Autism 6, 1-14, 2015
Role of the anterior insular cortex in integrative causal signaling during multisensory auditory–visual attention
T Chen, L Michels, K Supekar, J Kochalka, S Ryali, V Menon
European Journal of Neuroscience 41 (2), 264-274, 2015
Neural circuits underlying mother’s voice perception predict social communication abilities in children
DA Abrams, T Chen, P Odriozola, KM Cheng, AE Baker, A Padmanabhan, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (22), 6295-6300, 2016
Temporal dynamics and developmental maturation of salience, default and central-executive network interactions revealed by variational Bayes hidden Markov modeling
S Ryali, K Supekar, T Chen, J Kochalka, W Cai, J Nicholas, ...
PLoS computational biology 12 (12), e1005138, 2016
Cortical observation by synchronous multifocal optical sampling reveals widespread population encoding of actions
IV Kauvar, TA Machado, E Yuen, J Kochalka, M Choi, WE Allen, ...
Neuron 107 (2), 351-367. e19, 2020
Combining optogenetic stimulation and fMRI to validate a multivariate dynamical systems model for estimating causal brain interactions
S Ryali, YYI Shih, T Chen, J Kochalka, D Albaugh, Z Fang, K Supekar, ...
Neuroimage 132, 398-405, 2016
Mechanisms of interactive specialization and emergence of functional brain circuits supporting cognitive development in children
C Battista, TM Evans, TJ Ngoon, T Chen, L Chen, J Kochalka, V Menon
npj Science of Learning 3 (1), 1, 2018
Impaired voice processing in reward and salience circuits predicts social communication in children with autism
DA Abrams, A Padmanabhan, T Chen, P Odriozola, AE Baker, J Kochalka, ...
elife 8, e39906, 2019
Multivariate dynamical systems-based estimation of causal brain interactions in fMRI: Group-level validation using benchmark data, neurophysiological models and human …
S Ryali, T Chen, K Supekar, T Tu, J Kochalka, W Cai, V Menon
Journal of neuroscience methods 268, 142-153, 2016
Intrinsic functional architecture of the human speech processing network
DA Abrams, J Kochalka, S Bhide, S Ryali, V Menon
Cortex 129, 41-56, 2020
Multifocal panoptic recording of cross-cortical neuronal dynamics in behaving mice
IV Kauvar, TA Machado, E Yuen, J Kochalka, WE Allen, C Raja, ...
Optical Manipulation and Its Applications, JW3B. 2, 2019
Concordance between white-matter pathways and functional circuits linking the VWFA and IPS
L Chen, D Wassermann, J Kochalka, V Menon
Organisation for the Human Brain Mapping, 2017
Weidong Cai
S Ryali, T Chen, A Padmanabhan, W Cai, V Menon, J Kochalka, CS Li, ...
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Articles 1–20