Laszlo P. Csernai
Cited by
Cited by
Entropy and cluster production in nuclear collisions
LP Csernai, JI Kapusta
Physics Reports 131 (4), 223-318, 1986
Strongly interacting low-viscosity matter created in relativistic nuclear collisions
LP Csernai, JI Kapusta, LD McLerran
Physical review letters 97 (15), 152303, 2006
Heavy-ion collisions at the LHC—last call for predictions
N Armesto, N Borghini, S Jeon, UA Wiedemann, S Abreu, SV Akkelin, ...
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 35 (5), 054001, 2008
Introduction to relativistic heavy ion collisions
LP Csernai
Wiley, 1994
Nucleation of relativistic first-order phase transitions
LP Csernai, JI Kapusta
Physical Review D 46 (4), 1379, 1992
Third flow component as QGP signal
LP Csernai, D Röhrich
Physics Letters B 458 (4), 454-459, 1999
polarization in peripheral heavy ion collisions
F Becattini, LP Csernai, DJ Wang
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 88 (3), 034905, 2013
Jets of nuclear matter from high energy heavy ion collisions
H Stöcker, LP Csernai, G Graebner, G Buchwald, H Kruse, RY Cusson, ...
Physical review C 25 (4), 1873, 1982
Fast hadronization of supercooled quark-gluon plasma
LP Csernai, IN Mishustin
Physical review letters 74 (25), 5005, 1995
Dynamics of the QCD phase transition
LP Csernai, JI Kapusta
Physical review letters 69 (5), 737, 1992
Global polarization in high energy collisions
Y Xie, D Wang, LP Csernai
Physical Review C 95 (3), 031901, 2017
Transverse flow and collectivity in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions
NS Amelin, EF Staubo, LP Csernai, VD Toneev, KK Gudima, D Strottman
Physical Review Letters 67 (12), 1523, 1991
Flow vorticity in peripheral high-energy heavy-ion collisions
LP Csernai, VK Magas, DJ Wang
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 87 (3), 034906, 2013
Quark-gluon plasma freeze-out from a supercooled state?
T Csörgo, LP Csernai
Physics Letters B 333 (3-4), 494-499, 1994
Fluid dynamics and Quark Gluon string model—What we can expect for Au+ Au collisions at 11.6 AGeVc
LV Bravina, NS Amelin, LP Csernai, P Levai, D Strottman
Nuclear Physics A 566, 461-464, 1994
Nuclear Fluid Dynamics versus Intranuclear Cascade—Possible Evidence for Collective Flow in Central High-Energy Nuclear Collisions
H Stöcker, C Riedel, Y Yariv, LP Csernai, G Buchwald, G Graebner, ...
Physical Review Letters 47 (25), 1807, 1981
Initial state of ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions
VK Magas, LP Csernai, DD Strottman
Physical Review C 64 (1), 014901, 2001
Strangeness production in proton and heavy ion collisions at 200A GeV
NS Amelin, LV Bravina, LP Csernai, VD Toneev, KK Gudima, ...
Physical Review C 47 (5), 2299, 1993
Change of collective-flow mechanism indicated by scaling analysis of transverse flow
A Bonasera, LP Csernai
Physical Review Letters 59 (6), 630, 1987
Effective string rope model for the initial stages of ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions
VK Magas, LP Csernai, D Strottman
Nuclear Physics A 712 (1-2), 167-204, 2002
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Articles 1–20