Alexander Kamantsev
Alexander Kamantsev
Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of RAS
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Reversible magnetocaloric effect in materials with first order phase transitions in cyclic magnetic fields: Fe48Rh52 and Sm0. 6Sr0. 4MnO3
AM Aliev, AB Batdalov, LN Khanov, AP Kamantsev, VV Koledov, ...
Applied Physics Letters 109 (20), 2016
Magnetocaloric and thermomagnetic properties of Ni2. 18Mn0. 82Ga Heusler alloy in high magnetic fields up to 140 kOe
AP Kamantsev, VV Koledov, AV Mashirov, ET Dilmieva, VG Shavrov, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 117 (16), 2015
Magnetic shape memory microactuator
E Kalimullina, A Kamantsev, V Koledov, V Shavrov, V Nizhankovskii, ...
Physica status solidi (c) 11 (5‐6), 1023-1025, 2014
Giant reversible adiabatic temperature change and isothermal heat transfer of MnAs single crystals studied by direct method in high magnetic fields
YS Koshkid'ko, ET Dilmieva, J Cwik, K Rogacki, D Kowalska, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 798, 810-819, 2019
Magnetocaloric effect and magnetic phase diagram of Ni-Mn-Ga Heusler alloy in steady and pulsed magnetic fields
YS Koshkid’ko, ET Dilmieva, AP Kamantsev, J Cwik, K Rogacki, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 904, 164051, 2022
Thermomagnetic and magnetocaloric properties of metamagnetic Ni-Mn-In-Co Heusler alloy in magnetic fields up to 140 kOe
A Kamantsev, V Koledov, E Dilmieva, A Mashirov, V Shavrov, J Cwik, ...
EPJ Web of Conferences 75, 04008, 2014
Magnetocaloric Effect in Alloy Fe49Rh51 in Pulsed Magnetic Fields up to 50 T
AP Kamantsev, AA Amirov, YS Koshkid’ko, CS Mejía, AV Mashirov, ...
Physics of the Solid State 62, 160-163, 2020
Direct measurement of magnetocaloric effect in metamagnetic Ni43Mn37.9In12.1Co7 Heusler Alloy
AP Kamantsev, VV Koledov, AV Mashirov, ET Dilmieva, VG Shavrov, ...
Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics 78, 936-938, 2014
Thermodynamic and Relaxation Processes near Curie Point in Gadolinium
AP Kamantsev, VV Koledov, VG Shavrov, IS Tereshina
Solid State Phenomena 215, 113-118, 2014
Measurement of magnetocaloric effect in pulsed magnetic fields with the help of infrared fiber optical temperature sensor
AP Kamantsev, VV Koledov, AV Mashirov, VG Shavrov, NH Yen, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 440, 70-73, 2017
Magnetocaloric Effect of Gadolinium at Adiabatic and Quasi-Isothermal Conditions in High Magnetic Fields
AP Kamantsev, VV Koledov, AV Mashirov, ET Dilmieva, VG Shavrov, ...
Solid State Phenomena 233, 216-219, 2015
Properties of metamagnetic alloy Fe48Rh52 in high magnetic fields
AP Kamantsev, VV Koledov, AV Mashirov, ET Dilmieva, VG Shavrov, ...
Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics 79, 1086-1088, 2015
Direct measurement of shape memory effect for Ni54Mn21Ga25, Ni50Mn41. 2In8. 8 Heusler alloys in high magnetic field
DS Kuchin, ET Dilmieva, YS Koshkid'ko, AP Kamantsev, VV Koledov, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 482, 317-322, 2019
Direct measurements of the magnetocaloric effect of Fe49Rh51 using the mirage effect
AA Amirov, F Cugini, AP Kamantsev, T Gottschall, M Solzi, AM Aliev, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 127 (23), 2020
Research of magnetocaloric effect for Ni-Mn-In-Co Heusler alloys by the direct methods in magnetic fields up to 14 T
ET Dilmieva, YS KoshkidKo, AP Kamantsev, VV Koledov, AV Mashirov, ...
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 53 (11), 1-5, 2017
Crystalline structure and magnetic behavior of the Ni41Mn39In12Co8 alloy demonstrating giant magnetocaloric effect
ASB Madiligama, P Ari-Gur, VG Shavrov, VV Koledov, S Calder, ...
Smart Materials and Structures 25 (8), 085013, 2016
Experimental simulation of a magnetic refrigeration cycle in high magnetic fields
ET Dilmieva, AP Kamantsev, VV Koledov, AV Mashirov, VG Shavrov, ...
Physics of the Solid State 58, 81-85, 2016
Voltage-induced strain to control the magnetization of bi FeRh/PZT and tri PZT/FeRh/PZT layered magnetoelectric composites
AA Amirov, IA Baraban, AA Grachev, AP Kamantsev, VV Rodionov, ...
AIP Advances 10 (2), 2020
Formation of a martensitic twins structure in Ni2.16Mn0.84Ga heusler alloy by high magnetic fields under adiabatic and isothermal conditions
ET Dilmieva, YS Koshkid’ko, VV Koledov, AP Kamantsev, AV Mashirov, ...
Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics 81, 1283-1288, 2017
Direct and Inverse Magnetocaloric Effect in Ni1.81Mn1.64In0.55 Multifunctional Heusler Alloy
R Fayzullin, VD Buchelnikov, M Drobosyuk, A Mashirov, A Kamantsev, ...
Solid State Phenomena 233, 183-186, 2015
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Articles 1–20