Lars A. Brudvig
Cited by
Cited by
Habitat fragmentation and its lasting impact on Earth’s ecosystems
NM Haddad, LA Brudvig, J Clobert, KF Davies, A Gonzalez, RD Holt, ...
Science advances 1 (2), e1500052, 2015
Herbivores and nutrients control grassland plant diversity via light limitation
ET Borer, EW Seabloom, DS Gruner, WS Harpole, H Hillebrand, EM Lind, ...
Nature 508 (7497), 517-520, 2014
The restoration of biodiversity: where has research been and where does it need to go?
LA Brudvig
American journal of botany 98 (3), 549-558, 2011
Local loss and spatial homogenization of plant diversity reduce ecosystem multifunctionality
Y Hautier, F Isbell, ET Borer, EW Seabloom, WS Harpole, EM Lind, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 2 (1), 50-56, 2018
Landscape connectivity promotes plant biodiversity spillover into non-target habitats
LA Brudvig, EI Damschen, JJ Tewksbury, NM Haddad, DJ Levey
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (23), 9328-9332, 2009
Experimental evidence does not support the Habitat Amount Hypothesis
NM Haddad, A Gonzalez, LA Brudvig, MA Burt, DJ Levey, EI Damschen
Ecography 40 (1), 48-55, 2017
The movement ecology and dynamics of plant communities in fragmented landscapes
EI Damschen, LA Brudvig, NM Haddad, DJ Levey, JL Orrock, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (49), 19078-19083, 2008
Interpreting variation to advance predictive restoration science
LA Brudvig, RS Barak, JT Bauer, TT Caughlin, DC Laughlin, L Larios, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 54 (4), 1018-1027, 2017
Plant functional traits and environmental conditions shape community assembly and ecosystem functioning during restoration
CR Zirbel, T Bassett, E Grman, LA Brudvig
Journal of Applied Ecology 54 (4), 1070-1079, 2017
Plant species’ origin predicts dominance and response to nutrient enrichment and herbivores in global grasslands
EW Seabloom, ET Borer, YM Buckley, EE Cleland, KF Davies, J Firn, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 7710, 2015
How fragmentation and corridors affect wind dynamics and seed dispersal in open habitats
EI Damschen, DV Baker, G Bohrer, R Nathan, JL Orrock, JR Turner, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (9), 3484-3489, 2014
Ongoing accumulation of plant diversity through habitat connectivity in an 18-year experiment
EI Damschen, LA Brudvig, MA Burt, RJ Fletcher Jr, NM Haddad, DJ Levey, ...
Science 365 (6460), 1478-1480, 2019
EDITOR'S CHOICE: Confronting contingency in restoration: management and site history determine outcomes of assembling prairies, but site characteristics and landscape context …
E Grman, T Bassett, LA Brudvig
Journal of Applied Ecology 50 (5), 1234-1243, 2013
The present and future of grassland restoration
P Török, LA Brudvig, J Kollmann, J N Price, B Tóthmérész
Restoration Ecology 29, e13378, 2021
Potential negative ecological effects of corridors
NM Haddad, LA Brudvig, EI Damschen, DM Evans, BL Johnson, ...
Conservation Biology 28 (5), 1178-1187, 2014
General destabilizing effects of eutrophication on grassland productivity at multiple spatial scales
Y Hautier, P Zhang, M Loreau, KR Wilcox, EW Seabloom, ET Borer, ...
Nature Communications 11 (1), 5375, 2020
Strong legacy of agricultural land use on soils and understory plant communities in longleaf pine woodlands
LA Brudvig, E Grman, CW Habeck, JL Orrock, JA Ledvina
Forest Ecology and Management 310, 944-955, 2013
Land‐use history, historical connectivity, and land management interact to determine longleaf pine woodland understory richness and composition
LA Brudvig, EI Damschen
Ecography 34 (2), 257-266, 2011
Predicting invasion in grassland ecosystems: is exotic dominance the real embarrassment of richness?
EW Seabloom, ET Borer, Y Buckley, EE Cleland, K Davies, J Firn, ...
Global Change Biology 19 (12), 3677-3687, 2013
Dispersal and establishment filters influence the assembly of restored prairie plant communities
E Grman, T Bassett, CR Zirbel, LA Brudvig
Restoration Ecology 23 (6), 892-899, 2015
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Articles 1–20