Cecily Ray
Cecily Ray
Associate, Healis Sekhsaria Institute for Public Health
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Smokeless tobacco and health in India and South Asia
PC Gupta, CS Ray
Respirology 8 (4), 419-431, 2003
Epidemiology of betel quid usage
PC Gupta, CS Ray
Annals-Academy of medicine singapore 33, 31-36, 2004
Tobacco and tuberculosis: a qualitative systematic review and meta-analysis
K Slama, CY Chiang, DA Enarson, K Hassmiller, A Fanning, P Gupta, ...
The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 11 (10), 1049-1061, 2007
Prevalence of smokeless tobacco use among adults in WHO South-East Asia
DN Sinha, PC Gupta, C Ray, PK Singh
Indian journal of cancer 49 (4), 342-346, 2012
Smokeless tobacco: a major public health problem in the SEA region: a review
PC Gupta, CS Ray, DN Sinha, PK Singh
Indian journal of public health 55 (3), 199-209, 2011
Non-cigarette tobacco use among women and adverse pregnancy outcomes
LJ England, SY Kim, SL Tomar, CS Ray, PC Gupta, T Eissenberg, ...
Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica 89 (4), 454-464, 2010
Tobacco, education & health
PC Gupta, CS Ray
Indian Journal of Medical Research 126 (4), 289-299, 2007
Tobacco and youth in the South East Asian region
PC Gupta, CS RAY
Indian Journal of Cancer 39 (1), 5-34, 2002
Bidis and smokeless tobacco
CS Ray, PC Gupta
Current science, 1324-1334, 2009
Rising incidence of oral cancer in Ahmedabad city
PC Gupta, CS Ray, PR Murti, DN Sinha
Indian journal of cancer 51 (Suppl 1), S67-S72, 2014
The hookah–the Indian waterpipe
CS Ray
Current Science, 1319-1323, 2009
Areca nut use and cancer in India
PC Gupta, CS Ray
Biomed Res J 2 (2), 140-165, 2015
Profile of dual tobacco users in India: an analysis from Global Adult Tobacco Survey, 2009-10
PC Gupta, CS Ray, SS Narake, KM Palipudi, DN Sinha, S Asma, ...
Indian journal of cancer 49 (4), 393-400, 2012
Etiology and risk factors
NW Johnson, B Gupta, DJ Speicher, CS Ray, MH Shaikh, N Al-Hebshi, ...
Oral and oropharyngeal cancer, 19-94, 2018
Tobacco related cancer-its impact on the health economy
PC Gupta, CS Ray
Health Administrator 17 (1), 85-92, 2005
Perspectives on areca nut with some global implications: symposium report
PC Gupta, CS Ray, RL Papke, I Stepanov, SS Khariwala, P Chaturvedi, ...
Translational Research in Oral Oncology 3, 2057178X18814068, 2018
Social impacts on adult use of tobacco: findings from the International Tobacco Control Project India, Wave 1 Survey
CS Ray, MS Pednekar, PC Gupta, M Bansal-Travers, ACK Quah, GT Fong
WHO South-East Asia journal of public health 5 (2), 123-132, 2016
Epidemic in India
PC Gupta, CS Ray
Tobacco: Science, Policy and Public Health, 253-266, 2004
Tobacco smoking and smokeless tobacco use
JM Samet, PC Gupta, CS Ray, C Sauvaget, DM Winn
World Cancer Report, 88-95, 2014
Research on tobacco in India (including betel quid and areca nut)
CS Ray, P Gupta, J de Beyer
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Articles 1–20