Pablo Castro
Pablo Castro
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Deontic action logic, atomic boolean algebras and fault-tolerance
PF Castro, TSE Maibaum
Journal of Applied Logic 7 (4), 441-466, 2009
A complete and compact propositional deontic logic
PF Castro, TSE Maibaum
Theoretical Aspects of Computing–ICTAC 2007: 4th International Colloquium …, 2007
Goal-conflict detection based on temporal satisfiability checking
R Degiovanni, N Ricci, D Alrajeh, P Castro, N Aguirre
Proceedings of the 31st IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated …, 2016
Goal-conflict likelihood assessment based on model counting
R Degiovanni, P Castro, M Arroyo, M Ruiz, N Aguirre, M Frias
Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2018
Towards managing dynamic reconfiguration of software systems in a categorical setting
PF Castro, NM Aguirre, CG López Pombo, TSE Maibaum
Theoretical Aspects of Computing–ICTAC 2010: 7th International Colloquium …, 2010
Tractable probabilistic mu-calculus that expresses probabilistic temporal logics
P Castro, C Kilmurray, N Piterman
32nd International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science …, 2015
A tableaux system for deontic action logic
PF Castro, TSE Maibaum
Deontic Logic in Computer Science: 9th International Conference, DEON 2008 …, 2008
Reasoning about system-degradation and fault-recovery with deontic logic
PF Castro, TSE Maibaum
Methods, Models and Tools for Fault Tolerance, 25-43, 2009
Deontic action logics for specification and analysis of fault-tolerance
PF Castro
dCTL: A Branching Time Temporal Logic for Fault-Tolerant System Verification
PF Castro, C Kilmurray, A Acosta, N Aguirre
Software Engineering and Formal Methods: 9th International Conference, SEFM …, 2011
An evolutionary approach to translating operational specifications into declarative specifications
F Molina, C Cornejo, R Degiovanni, G Regis, PF Castro, N Aguirre, ...
Science of Computer Programming 181, 47-63, 2019
Categorical foundations for structured specifications in
PF Castro, N Aguirre, CL Pombo, TSE Maibaum
Formal Aspects of Computing 27 (5), 831-865, 2015
Deontic logic, contrary to duty reasoning and fault tolerance
PF Castro, TSE Maibaum
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 258 (2), 17-34, 2009
Interpolation and beth definability in default logics
V Cassano, R Fervari, C Areces, PF Castro
European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence, 675-691, 2019
Measuring masking fault-tolerance
PF Castro, PR D’Argenio, R Demasi, L Putruele
International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and …, 2019
An ought-to-do deontic logic for reasoning about fault-tolerance: The diarrheic philosophers
PF Castro, TSE Maibaum
Fifth IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal …, 2007
Playing against fair adversaries in stochastic games with total rewards
PF Castro, PR D’Argenio, R Demasi, L Putruele
International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, 48-69, 2022
Deontic logics based on boolean algebra
PF Castro, P Kulicki
Krister Segerberg on Logic of Actions, 85-117, 2013
Synthesizing masking fault-tolerant systems from deontic specifications
R Demasi, PF Castro, TSE Maibaum, N Aguirre
Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis: 11th International …, 2013
Simulation relations for fault-tolerance
R Demasi, PF Castro, TSE Maibaum, N Aguirre
Formal Aspects of Computing 29, 1013-1050, 2017
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Articles 1–20