Daniel de las Heras
Daniel de las Heras
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Phase diagrams of binary mixtures of patchy colloids with distinct numbers of patches: the network fluid regime
D de las Heras, JM Tavares, MMT da Gama
Soft Matter 7 (12), 5615-5626, 2011
Capillary smectization and layering in a confined liquid crystal
D de Las Heras, E Velasco, L Mederos
Physical review letters 94 (1), 17801, 2005
Confinement of two-dimensional rods in slit pores and square cavities
T Geigenfeind, S Rosenzweig, M Schmidt, D de Las Heras
The Journal of chemical physics 142 (17), 2015
Phase coexistence of active Brownian particles
S Hermann, P Krinninger, D de Las Heras, M Schmidt
Physical Review E 100 (5), 052604, 2019
Topological protection of multiparticle dissipative transport
J Loehr, M Loenne, A Ernst, D de Las Heras, TM Fischer
Nature communications 7 (1), 11745, 2016
Superadiabatic forces in Brownian many-body dynamics
A Fortini, D de Las Heras, JM Brader, M Schmidt
Physical review letters 113 (16), 167801, 2014
Better than counting: Density profiles from force sampling
D de Las Heras, M Schmidt
Physical Review Letters 120 (21), 218001, 2018
Bicontinuous and mixed gels in binary mixtures of patchy colloidal particles
D de las Heras, JM Tavares, MMT da Gama
Soft Matter 8 (6), 1785-1794, 2012
Phase diagrams of binary mixtures of patchy colloids with distinct numbers and types of patches: The empty fluid regime
D de las Heras, JM Tavares, MMT da Gama
The Journal of Chemical Physics 134, 104904, 2011
Non-negative interfacial tension in phase-separated active Brownian particles
S Hermann, D de Las Heras, M Schmidt
Physical Review Letters 123 (26), 268002, 2019
Capillary effects in a confined smectic phase of hard spherocylinders: Influence of particle elongation
D de Las Heras, E Velasco, L Mederos
Physical Review E 74 (1), 011709, 2006
Effects of wetting and anchoring on capillary phenomena in a confined liquid crystal
D De Las Heras, E Velasco, L Mederos
The Journal of chemical physics 120, 4949, 2004
Floating nematic phase in colloidal platelet-sphere mixtures
D de las Heras, N Doshi, T Cosgrove, J Phipps, DI Gittins, ...
Scientific Reports 2, 2012
Ordering of granular rod monolayers driven far from thermodynamic equilibrium
T Müller, D Heras, I Rehberg, K Huang
Phys. Rev. E 91, 062207, 2015
The phase stacking diagram of colloidal mixtures under gravity
D de las Heras and Matthias Schmidt
Soft Matter 9, 8636-8641, 2013
Velocity gradient power functional for Brownian dynamics
D de Las Heras, M Schmidt
Physical review letters 120 (2), 028001, 2018
Topological defects in a two-dimensional liquid crystal confined in a circular nanocavity
D de Las Heras, E Velasco, L Mederos
Physical Review E 79 (6), 061703, 2009
Colloidal topological insulators
J Loehr, D de las Heras, A Jarosz, M Urbaniak, F Stobiecki, A Tomita, ...
Communications Physics 1 (1), 4, 2018
Full canonical information from grand-potential density-functional theory
D de Las Heras, M Schmidt
Physical review letters 113 (23), 238304, 2014
Domain walls in two-dimensional nematics confined in a small circular cavity
D De Las Heras, E Velasco
Soft Matter 10 (11), 1758-1766, 2014
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Articles 1–20