Tomas Mac Loughlin
Tomas Mac Loughlin
Investigador Asistente, Centro de Investigaciones del Medio Ambiente-CIM, FCEx-UNLP/CONICET
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Cited by
Pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables of the argentine domestic market: Occurrence and quality
TM Mac Loughlin, ML Peluso, MA Etchegoyen, LL Alonso, MC de Castro, ...
Food control 93, 129-138, 2018
Pesticide impact study in the peri-urban horticultural area of Gran La Plata, Argentina
TM Mac Loughlin, L Peluso, DJG Marino
Science of the Total Environment 598, 572-580, 2017
Multiple pesticides occurrence, fate, and environmental risk assessment in a small horticultural stream of Argentina
TM Mac Loughlin, ML Peluso, DJG Marino
Science of the Total Environment 802, 149893, 2022
Evidence for soil pesticide contamination of an agroecological farm from a neighboring chemical-based production system
C Bernasconi, PM Demetrio, LL Alonso, TM Mac Loughlin, E Cerdá, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 313, 107341, 2021
Contribution of soluble and particulate-matter fractions to the total glyphosate and AMPA load in water bodies associated with horticulture
TM Mac Loughlin, ML Peluso, VC Aparicio, DJG Marino
Science of The Total Environment 703, 134717, 2020
Evaluation of the toxicity of the sediments from an agroecosystem to two native species, Hyalella curvispina (CRUSTACEA: AMPHIPODA) and Boana pulchella (AMPHIBIA: ANURA), as …
JA Sansiñena, L Peluso, CS Costa, PM Demetrio, TM Mac Loughlin, ...
Ecological indicators 93, 100-110, 2018
Evaluation of pesticide pollution in the Gualeguay Basin: An extensive agriculture area in Argentina
TM Mac Loughlin, ML Peluso, DJG Marino
Science of the Total Environment 851, 158142, 2022
Comparative Toxicity of Two Different Dimethoate Formulations in the Common Toad (Rhinella arenarum) Tadpoles
CS Martinuzzi, AM Attademo, PM Peltzer, TM Mac Loughlin, DJG Marino, ...
Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology 104, 35-40, 2020
Plaguicidas: los condimentos no declarados
L Alonso, C Bernasconi, A Ciciarelli, C de Castro, C Esteban, ...
Resúmenes de las XXIII Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores de la Asociación …, 2016
Assessment of sulfonamide contamination in aquatic environments: A first report for Argentina and environmental risk assessment
TM Mac Loughlin, MF Bahl, FM Flores, CD Apartin, DJG Marino, ...
Science of The Total Environment 934, 173139, 2024
First evidence of environmental bioaccumulation of pharmaceuticals on adult native anurans (Rhinella arenarum) from Argentina
CS Costa, F Bahl, GS Natale, TM Mac Loughlin, DJG Marino, A Venturino, ...
Environmental Pollution 334, 122231, 2023
Oxidative stress responses after exposure to triclosan sublethal concentrations: an integrated biomarker approach with a native (Corydoras paleatus) and a model fish species …
E Sager, P Scarcia, D Marino, T Mac Loughlin, A Rossi, F de La Torre
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 85 (7), 291-306, 2022
Integration of a battery of biomarkers to evaluate the health status of field-collected frogs of Leptodactylus luctator living in ecosystems with different anthropogenic …
MF Bahl, CS Costa, PM Demetrio, TM Mac Loughlin, ME Arruti, ...
Science of The Total Environment 933, 173174, 2024
La química ambiental como herramienta de transformación social: glifosato en espacios públicos urbanos y propuestas para su prohibición
TM Mac Loughlin, MC de Castro, V López Aca, A Orofino, I Davidovich, ...
IV Congreso Internacional Científico y Tecnológico-CONCYT 2017, 2017
Experiencias del espacio multidisciplinario de interacción socioambiental (EMISA)–Plaguicidas
SC Barbieri, C Stimbaum, J Galarza, ML Orofino, P González, ...
V Jornadas de Extensión del MERCOSUR (Tandil, 19 y 20 de mayo de 2016), 2016
Efectos biológicos de plaguicidas en cuerpos de agua asociados a agroecosistemas de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
TM Mac Loughlin
Centro de Investigaciones del Medio Ambiente (CIMA). 27 pp, 2015
Whole-sediment toxicity bioassays with Hyalella curvispina as a valuable bioanalytical tool for assessing pesticide risks in watercourses with different types of agro …
TM Mac Loughlin, DJG Marino, MF Bahl, ML Peluso
Science of The Total Environment 908, 168286, 2024
Isótopos del nitrato y contaminantes emergentes: herramientas para identificar el origen de la contaminación por nitrógeno en ecosistemas acuáticos pampeanos
A Romanelli, M Quiroz Londoño, DE Martínez, J Gómez Gutiérrez, ...
XVI Congreso Latinoamericano de Hidrogeología y XII Congreso Argentino de …, 2024
Occurrence of current use pesticides in bumblebees and environmental matrices under different land uses scenarios in the Southeast Pampas, Argentina
F Cecchetto, A Villalba, TM Mac Loughlin, DJG Marino, MD Maggi, ...
Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Europe, 2022
Evidence for soil pesticide contamination of an agroecological farm from a neighboring chemical-based production system
PM Demetrio, LL Alonso, TM Mac Loughlin, E Cerdá, SJ Sarandón, ...
Elsevier Science, 2021
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Articles 1–20