Fred Lado
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Solutions of the reference-hypernetted-chain equation with minimized free energy
F Lado, SM Foiles, NW Ashcroft
Physical Review A 28 (4), 2374, 1983
Perturbation correction for the free energy and structure of simple fluids
F Lado
Physical Review A 8 (5), 2548, 1973
Equation of State of the Hard‐Disk Fluid from Approximate Integral Equations
F Lado
The Journal of Chemical Physics 49 (7), 3092-3096, 1968
Numerical fourier transforms in one, two, and three dimensions for liquid state calculations
F Lado
Journal of Computational Physics 8 (3), 417-433, 1971
A local thermodynamic criterion for the reference-hypernetted chain equation
F Lado
Physics Letters A 89 (4), 196-198, 1982
Effects of patch size and number within a simple model of patchy colloids
A Giacometti, F Lado, J Largo, G Pastore, F Sciortino
The Journal of chemical physics 132 (17), 2010
General Approach to the Line-Shape Problem in Nuclear-Magnetic-Resonance Spectra
F Lado, JD Memory, GW Parker
Physical Review B 4 (5), 1406, 1971
Integral equations for fluids of linear molecules: I. General formulation
F Lado
Molecular Physics 47 (2), 283-298, 1982
Effective properties of two-phase disordered composite media: II. Evaluation of bounds on the conductivity and bulk modulus of dispersions of impenetrable spheres
S Torquato, F Lado
Physical Review B 33 (9), 6428, 1986
Pressure‐Consistent Integral Equation for Classical Fluids: Hard‐Sphere Solutions
F Lado
The Journal of Chemical Physics 47 (11), 4828-4833, 1967
Effective potential description of the quantum ideal gases
F Lado
The Journal of Chemical Physics 47 (12), 5369-5375, 1967
Perturbation correction to the radial distribution function
F Lado
Physical Review 135 (4A), A1013, 1964
Charged hard spheres in a uniform neutralizing background using ‘mixed’integral equations
F Lado
Molecular Physics 31 (4), 1117-1127, 1976
Bounds on the conductivity of a random array of cylinders
S Torquato, F Lado
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical and Physical …, 1988
Choosing the reference system for liquid state perturbation theory
F Lado
Molecular Physics 52 (4), 871-876, 1984
Hypernetted-chain solutions for the two-dimensional classical electron gas
F Lado
Physical Review B 17 (7), 2827, 1978
An integral equation study of a simple point charge model of water
M Lombardero, C Martın, S Jorge, F Lado, E Lomba
The Journal of chemical physics 110 (2), 1148-1153, 1999
Improved bounds on the effective elastic moduli of random arrays of cylinders
S Torquato, F Lado
Structure and thermodynamics of a ferrofluid monolayer
E Lomba, F Lado, JJ Weis
Physical Review E 61 (4), 3838, 2000
Phase diagram and structural properties of a simple model for one-patch particles
A Giacometti, F Lado, J Largo, G Pastore, F Sciortino
The Journal of chemical physics 131 (17), 2009
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Articles 1–20