Darshan G. Joshi
Darshan G. Joshi
Assistant Professor (Reader-F), TIFR-Hyderabad
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Topological excitations in the ferromagnetic Kitaev-Heisenberg model
DG Joshi
Physical Review B 98 (6), 060405, 2018
Emergent Gauge Theories and Topological Excitations in Rydberg Atom Arrays
R Samajdar, DG Joshi, Y Teng, S Sachdev
Physical Review Letters 130 (4), 043601, 2023
Dynamical structure factors and excitation modes of the bilayer Heisenberg model
M Lohöfer, T Coletta, DG Joshi, FF Assaad, M Vojta, S Wessel, F Mila
Physical Review B 92 (24), 245137, 2015
Deconfined critical point in a doped random quantum Heisenberg magnet
DG Joshi, C Li, G Tarnopolsky, A Georges, S Sachdev
Physical Review X 10 (2), 021033, 2020
Symmetry-enforced band crossings in trigonal materials: Accordion states and Weyl nodal lines
YH Chan, B Kilic, MM Hirschmann, CK Chiu, LM Schoop, DG Joshi, ...
Physical Review Materials 3 (12), 124204, 2019
Nonlinear bond-operator theory and expansion for coupled-dimer magnets. I. Paramagnetic phase
DG Joshi, K Coester, KP Schmidt, M Vojta
Physical Review B 91 (9), 094404, 2015
topological quantum paramagnet on a honeycomb bilayer
DG Joshi, AP Schnyder
Physical Review B 100 (2), 020407, 2019
Resonant thermal Hall effect of phonons coupled to dynamical defects
H Guo, DG Joshi, S Sachdev
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (46), e2215141119, 2022
Topological quantum paramagnet in a quantum spin ladder
DG Joshi, AP Schnyder
Physical Review B 96 (22), 220405, 2017
Nonlinear bond-operator theory and expansion for coupled-dimer magnets. II. Antiferromagnetic phase and quantum phase transition
DG Joshi, M Vojta
Physical Review B 91 (9), 094405, 2015
Bilayer Kitaev models: Phase diagrams and novel phases
UFP Seifert, J Gritsch, E Wagner, DG Joshi, W Brenig, M Vojta, ...
Physical Review B 98 (15), 155101, 2018
Quantum Hertz entropy increase in a quenched spin chain
DG Joshi, M Campisi
The European Physical Journal B 86 (4), 157, 2013
Linked-cluster expansions for quantum magnets on the hypercubic lattice
K Coester, DG Joshi, M Vojta, KP Schmidt
Physical Review B 94 (12), 125109, 2016
Quantum disordered insulating phase in the frustrated cubic-lattice Hubbard model
M Laubach, DG Joshi, J Reuther, R Thomale, M Vojta, S Rachel
Physical Review B 93 (4), 041106, 2016
Spin density wave, Fermi liquid, and fractionalized phases in a theory of antiferromagnetic metals using paramagnons and bosonic spinons
A Nikolaenko, J von Milczewski, DG Joshi, S Sachdev
Physical Review B 108 (4), 045123, 2023
Metal-insulator transition in a random Hubbard model
G Tarnopolsky, C Li, DG Joshi, S Sachdev
Physical Review B 101 (20), 205106, 2020
Detecting end states of topological quantum paramagnets via spin Hall noise spectroscopy
DG Joshi, AP Schnyder, S Takei
Physical Review B 98 (6), 064401, 2018
Critical metallic phase in the overdoped random t-J model
M Christos, DG Joshi, S Sachdev, M Tikhanovskaya
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (29), e2206921119, 2022
Anomalous density fluctuations in a random model
DG Joshi, S Sachdev
Physical Review B 102 (16), 165146, 2020
Superconductivity of non-Fermi liquids described by Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev models
C Li, S Sachdev, DG Joshi
Physical Review Research 5 (1), 013045, 2023
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Articles 1–20