Nurit Agam
Nurit Agam
Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
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Use of NDVI and land surface temperature for drought assessment: Merits and limitations
A Karnieli, N Agam, RT Pinker, M Anderson, ML Imhoff, GG Gutman, ...
Journal of climate 23 (3), 618-633, 2010
A review of approaches for evapotranspiration partitioning
D Kool, N Agam, N Lazarovitch, JL Heitman, TJ Sauer, A Ben-Gal
Agricultural and forest meteorology 184, 56-70, 2014
Dew formation and water vapor adsorption in semi-arid environments—A review
N Agam, PR Berliner
Journal of Arid Environments 65 (4), 572-590, 2006
A thermal-based remote sensing technique for routine mapping of land-surface carbon, water and energy fluxes from field to regional scales
MC Anderson, JM Norman, WP Kustas, R Houborg, PJ Starks, N Agam
Remote Sensing of Environment 112 (12), 4227-4241, 2008
A vegetation index based technique for spatial sharpening of thermal imagery
N Agam, WP Kustas, MC Anderson, F Li, CMU Neale
Remote sensing of Environment 107 (4), 545-558, 2007
Evaluating water stress in irrigated olives: correlation of soil water status, tree water status, and thermal imagery
A Ben-Gal, N Agam, V Alchanatis, Y Cohen, U Yermiyahu, I Zipori, ...
Irrigation science 27, 367-376, 2009
Two-source energy balance model estimates of evapotranspiration using component and composite surface temperatures
PD Colaizzi, WP Kustas, MC Anderson, N Agam, JA Tolk, SR Evett, ...
Advances in water resources 50, 134-151, 2012
Comments on the use of the vegetation health index over Mongolia
A Karnieli, M Bayasgalan, Y Bayarjargal, N Agam, S Khudulmur, ...
International Journal of Remote Sensing 27 (10), 2017-2024, 2006
Soil structure is an important omission in Earth System Models
S Fatichi, D Or, R Walko, H Vereecken, MH Young, TA Ghezzehei, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 522, 2020
An insight to the performance of crop water stress index for olive trees
N Agam, Y Cohen, JAJ Berni, V Alchanatis, D Kool, A Dag, U Yermiyahu, ...
Agricultural Water Management 118, 79-86, 2013
Application of the Priestley–Taylor approach in a two-source surface energy balance model
N Agam, WP Kustas, MC Anderson, JM Norman, PD Colaizzi, TA Howell, ...
Journal of Hydrometeorology 11 (1), 185-198, 2010
Soil profile method for soil thermal diffusivity, conductivity and heat flux: Comparison to soil heat flux plates
SR Evett, N Agam, WP Kustas, PD Colaizzi, RC Schwartz
Advances in Water Resources 50, 41-54, 2012
The role of dew in the water and heat balance of bare loess soil in the Negev Desert: quantifying the actual dew deposition on the soil surface
N Ninari, PR Berliner
Atmospheric Research 64 (1-4), 323-334, 2002
Diurnal water content changes in the bare soil of a coastal desert
N Agam, PR Berliner
Journal of Hydrometeorology 5 (5), 922-933, 2004
The grape remote sensing atmospheric profile and evapotranspiration experiment
WP Kustas, MC Anderson, JG Alfieri, K Knipper, A Torres-Rua, CK Parry, ...
Bulletin of the American meteorological society 99 (9), 1791-1812, 2018
Utility of thermal sharpening over Texas high plains irrigated agricultural fields
N Agam, WP Kustas, MC Anderson, F Li, PD Colaizzi
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 112 (D19), 2007
Evaporative loss from irrigated interrows in a highly advective semi-arid agricultural area
N Agam, SR Evett, JA Tolk, WP Kustas, PD Colaizzi, JG Alfieri, LG McKee, ...
Advances in Water Resources 50, 20-30, 2012
On the discrepancy between eddy covariance and lysimetry-based surface flux measurements under strongly advective conditions
JG Alfieri, WP Kustas, JH Prueger, LE Hipps, SR Evett, JB Basara, ...
Advances in Water Resources 50, 62-78, 2012
Two-source energy balance model to calculate E, T, and ET: Comparison of Priestley-Taylor and Penman-Monteith formulations and two time scaling methods
PD Colaizzi, N Agam, JA Tolk, SR Evett, TA Howell, PH Gowda, ...
Transactions of the ASABE 57 (2), 479-498, 2014
Whole-tree water balance and indicators for short-term drought stress in non-bearing ‘Barnea’olives
A Ben-Gal, D Kool, N Agam, GE van Halsema, U Yermiyahu, A Yafe, ...
Agricultural Water Management 98 (1), 124-133, 2010
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Artículos 1–20