David E Logan
David E Logan
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Quantum localization and energy flow in many‐dimensional Fermi resonant systems
DE Logan, PG Wolynes
The Journal of chemical physics 93 (7), 4994-5012, 1990
The non-coincidence effect in the Raman spectra of polar liquids
DE Logan
Chemical physics 103 (2-3), 215-225, 1986
A local moment approach to the Anderson model
DE Logan, MP Eastwood, MA Tusch
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 10 (12), 2673, 1998
Quantum phase transition in capacitively coupled double quantum dots
MR Galpin, DE Logan, HR Krishnamurthy
Physical review letters 94 (18), 186406, 2005
Quantum phase transition in quantum dot trimers
AK Mitchell, TF Jarrold, DE Logan
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (8), 085124, 2009
The Raman noncoincidence effect in dipolar binary mixtures
DE Logan
Chemical physics 131 (2-3), 199-207, 1989
The soft-gap Anderson model: comparison of renormalization group and local moment approaches
R Bulla, MT Glossop, DE Logan, T Pruschke
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 12 (23), 4899, 2000
Zero-bias conductance in carbon nanotube quantum dots
FB Anders, DE Logan, MR Galpin, G Finkelstein
Physical review letters 100 (8), 086809, 2008
The morphology and microstructure of colloidal silver and gold
DEL DG Duff, AC Curtis, PP Edwards, DA Jefferson, BFG Johnson, AI Kirkland
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 26 (7), 676-678, 1987
Generalized Wilson chain for solving multichannel quantum impurity problems
AK Mitchell, MR Galpin, S Wilson-Fletcher, DE Logan, R Bulla
Physical Review B 89 (12), 121105, 2014
Dephasing and Anderson localization in topologically disordered systems
DE Logan, PG Wolynes
Physical Review B 36 (8), 4135, 1987
On the isotropic Raman spectra of isotopic binary mixtures
DE Logan
Molecular Physics 58 (1), 97-129, 1986
Two-channel Kondo physics in two-impurity Kondo models
AK Mitchell, E Sela, DE Logan
Physical review letters 108 (8), 086405, 2012
A local moment approach to magnetic impurities in gapless Fermi systems
DE Logan, MT Glossop
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 12 (6), 985, 2000
Correlated electron physics in two-level quantum dots: Phase transitions, transport, and experiment
DE Logan, CJ Wright, MR Galpin
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (12), 125117, 2009
The density of states of a spatially disordered tight-binding model
DE Logan, MD Winn
Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 21 (34), 5773, 1988
Interplay between disorder and electron interactions in a d= 3 site-disordered Anderson-Hubbard model: A numerical mean-field study
MA Tusch, DE Logan
Physical Review B 48 (20), 14843, 1993
Two-channel Kondo phases and frustration-induced transitions in triple quantum dots
AK Mitchell, DE Logan
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (7), 075126, 2010
Conductance fingerprint of Majorana fermions in the topological Kondo effect
MR Galpin, AK Mitchell, J Temaismithi, DE Logan, B Béri, NR Cooper
Physical Review B 89 (4), 045143, 2014
Fock-space correlations and the origins of many-body localization
S Roy, DE Logan
Physical Review B 101 (13), 134202, 2020
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Articles 1–20