Pablo Villagra
Pablo Villagra
CONICET. Facultad de Ciencia Agrarias - UNCUYO - Mendoza - Argentina
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Land use and disturbance effects on the dynamics of natural ecosystems of the Monte Desert: Implications for their management
PE Villagra, GE Defossé, HF Del Valle, S Tabeni, M Rostagno, E Cesca, ...
Journal of Arid Environments 73 (2), 202-211, 2009
Effects of Prosopis flexuosa on soil properties and the spatial pattern of understorey species in arid Argentina
BE Rossi, PE Villagra
Journal of Vegetation Science 14 (4), 543-550, 2003
Arid and semi-arid ecosystems
P Rundel, PE Villagra, MO Dillon, SA Roig-Juñent, G Debandi
The physical geography of South America, 158, 2007
Water subsidies from mountains to deserts: Their role in sustaining groundwater‐fed oases in a sandy landscape
EG Jobbágy, MD Nosetto, PE Villagra, RB Jackson
Ecological Applications 21 (3), 678-694, 2011
Vegetation heterogeneity in Monte Desert ecosystems: A multi-scale approach linking patterns and processes
AJ Bisigato, PE Villagra, JO Ares, BE Rossi
Journal of arid environments 73 (2), 182-191, 2009
Water stress effects on the seedling growth of Prosopis argentina and Prosopis alpataco
PE Villagra, JB Cavagnaro
Journal of Arid Environments 64 (3), 390-400, 2006
Ser planta en el desierto: estrategias de uso de agua y resistencia al estrés hídrico en el Monte Central de Argentina
PE Villagra, C Giordano, JA Alvarez, J Bruno Cavagnaro, A Guevara, ...
Ecología austral 21 (1), 29-42, 2011
Remote sensing estimates of supplementary water consumption by arid ecosystems of central Argentina
S Contreras, EG Jobbágy, PE Villagra, MD Nosetto, J Puigdefábregas
Journal of Hydrology 397 (1-2), 10-22, 2011
Ecología y manejo de los algarrobales de la Provincia Fitogeográfica del Monte
PE Villagra, MA Cony, NG Mantován, BE Rossi, MM González Loyarte, ...
Ecología y Manejo de Bosques Nativos de Argentina. Editorial Universidad …, 2004
Prosopis flexuosa DC.(Fabaceae, Mimosoideae)
JA Alvarez, PE Villagra
Kurtziana 35 (1), 47-61, 2010
Estructura y estado de conservación de los bosques de Prosopis flexuosa DC (Fabaceae, subfamilia: Mimosoideae) en el noreste de Mendoza (Argentina)
JA Alvarez, PE VILLAGRA, MA Cony, E MARISA CESCA, JA Boninsegna
Revista chilena de historia natural 79 (1), 75-87, 2006
Ecophysiology of Prosopis Species From the Arid Lands of Argentina: What Do We Know About Adaptation to Stressful Environments?
PE Villagra, A Vilela, C Giordano, JA Alvarez
Desert plants: biology and biotechnology, 321-340, 2009
Spatiotemporal heterogeneity of soil fertility in the Central Monte desert (Argentina)
A Abril, P Villagra, L Noe
Journal of Arid Environments 73 (10), 901-906, 2009
Germination ofProsopis argentinaandP. alpatacoseeds under saline conditions
PE Villagra
Journal of Arid Environments 37 (2), 261-267, 1997
A review of fire effects across South American ecosystems: the role of climate and time since fire
MA Giorgis, SR Zeballos, L Carbone, H Zimmermann, H von Wehrden, ...
Fire Ecology 17, 1-20, 2021
Aspectos ecológicos de los algarrobales argentinos
PE Villagra
Multequina 9 (2), 35-51, 2000
Spatial and temporal litterfall heterogeneity generated by woody species in the Central Monte desert
JA Alvarez, PE Villagra, BE Rossi, EM Cesca
Plant Ecology 205, 295-303, 2009
Phenotypic plasticity of the coarse root system of Prosopis flexuosa, a phreatophyte tree, in the Monte Desert (Argentina)
A Guevara, CV Giordano, J Aranibar, M Quiroga, PE Villagra
Plant and soil 330, 447-464, 2010
Wood structure of Prosopis alpataco and P. argentina growing under different edaphic conditions
PE Villagra, FA Roig Ju ent
Iawa Journal 18, 37-52, 1997
Biological soil crust recovery after long-term grazing exclusion in the Monte Desert (Argentina). Changes in coverage, spatial distribution, and soil nitrogen
DA Gómez, JN Aranibar, S Tabeni, PE Villagra, IA Garibotti, A Atencio
Acta Oecologica 38, 33-40, 2012
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