Ki Jung Lee
Ki Jung Lee
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Cited by
Agenda-setting and the Internet: The intermedia influence of Internet bulletin boards on newspaper coverage of the 2000 general election in South Korea
B Lee, KM Lancendorfer, KJ Lee
Asian Journal of Communication 15 (1), 57-71, 2005
A Framework for text processing and supporting access to collections of digitized historical newspapers
R Allen, A Japzon, P Achananuparp, KJ Lee
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 2007
Designing a data warehouse for cyber crimes
IY Song, JD Maguire, KJ Lee, C Namyoun, X Hu, P Chen
The Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law 1 (3), 5-21, 2006
Investigating Information Structure of Phishing Emails Based on Persuasive Communication Perspective
KJ Lee, IY Song
The Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law 2 (3), 29-43, 2007
Automatic extraction for creating a lexical repository of abbreviations in the biomedical literature
M Song, IY Song, KJ Lee, B M.
The 8th International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery, 2006
Development and Analyses of Privacy Management Models in Online Social Networks based on Communication Privacy Management Theory
KJ Lee
Drexel University, 2013
An Influence of self-evaluated gender role on the privacy management behavior in Online Social Networks
KJ Lee, IY Song
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 2013
Modeling and analyzing user behavior of privacy management on online social network: Research in progress
KJ Lee, IY Song
2011 IEEE Third International Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk and …, 2011
Automatic unsupervised Keyphrase-based Query Expansion for biomedical domain.
M Song, IY Song, KJ Lee
The International conference on Knowledge Management, 2005
Literature Review in Computational Linguistics Issues in the Developing Field of Consumer Informatics: Finding the Right Information for Consumer's Health Information Need
KJ Lee
Handbook of Research on Text and Web Mining Technologies, 758-765, 2009
Exploring the Relationship Between the Motivation and Behavioral Predisposition of Self-Disclosure on Social Media Applications
K Lee, IY Song
Exploring the relationship between user's intention to manage privacy in OSN and the factors of communication under distress
KJ Lee, IY Song
iConference 2016, 2016
Modeling and analyzing causality between threats to privacy and user behavior of privacy management on Online Social Networks: Extended abstract
KJ Lee, IY Song
Doctoral Consortium at the International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, 2011
Part II-Knowledge, Learning and Education-A Framework for Text Processing and Supporting Access to Collections of Digitized Historical Newspapers
RB Allen, A Japzon, P Achananuparp, KJ Lee
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4558, 235-244, 2007
Developing state diagrams using state specialization technique
IY Song, KJ Lee
The International Workshop on Foundations and Practices of UML, 2007
Exploring motives among college students for using the internet: A qualitative approach to the uses and gratifications framework of the Internet
B Lee, KJ Lee, D Chung
The National Communication Association, 2004
Designing an ontology of" deceptive communication" for analysis of phishing attacks based on communication theories
KJ Lee, IY Song
Drexel University. College of Information Science and Technology. Research …, 0
Exploring a method of extracting universal features of phishing emails
KJ Lee, IY Song
Drexel University. College of Information Science and Technology. Research …, 0
Modeling and Analyzing Privacy Managing Behavior of Users on Online Social Networks
KJ Lee, IY Song
Drexel University. College of Information Science and Technology. Research …, 0
Designing a subject centric information architecture for finding information for cybercrime research
KJ Lee, IY Song
Drexel University. College of Information Science and Technology. Research …, 0
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Articles 1–20