Dr. Apurva N. Naik
Dr. Apurva N. Naik
Research fellow, Bhabha Atomic Research Center, University of Mumbai
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Cited by
Cited by
Evaluating the mechanism of nucleation and growth of silver nanoparticles in a polymer membrane under continuous precursor supply: tuning of multiple to single nucleation pathway
AN Naik, S Patra, D Sen, A Goswami
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21 (8), 4193-4199, 2019
Silver nanoparticles stabilized in porous polymer support: A highly active catalytic nanoreactor
S Patra, AN Naik, AK Pandey, D Sen, S Mazumder, A Goswami
Applied Catalysis A: General 524, 214-222, 2016
Nafion membrane incorporated with silver nanoparticles as optical test strip for dissolved hydrogen peroxide: Preparation, deployment and the mechanism of action
AN Naik, S Patra, AS Kanekar, D Sen, SV Ramagiri, JR Bellare, ...
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 255, 605-615, 2018
Effect of Film Diffusion on the Ion-Exchange Kinetics of a Tracer Ion in Nafion-117 Membrane from a Mixture of Salt Solution
AN Naik, C Agarwal, S Chaudhury, A Goswami
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 121 (43), 10081-10090, 2017
Non-stationary radiotracer method for diffusion coefficients of Cs+, Ba2+, Eu3+ tracers in Nafion-117 membrane
AN Naik, C Agarwal, S Chaudhury, A Goswami
Separation Science and Technology 52 (14), 2379-2384, 2017
Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles in Ion-Exchange Membrane: A Counterpole Approach
AG A.N. Naika, S. Patraa, S.V. Ramagirib, J.R. Bellareb
6th Interdisciplinary Symposium on Materials Chemistry, 174, 2016
Method for the determination of self-diffusion coefficients of trace metal ions in ion-exchange membrane
AN Naik, S Chaudhury, C Agarwal, A Goswami
Proceedings of the seventh DAE-BRNS biennial symposium on emerging trends in …, 2016
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