Nelson Diaz
Nelson Diaz
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Electrical Engineering, Pont. Universidad Católica de Valparaiso
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Cited by
Adaptive grayscale compressive spectral imaging using optimal blue noise coding patterns
N Diaz, C Hinojosa, H Arguello
Optics & Laser Technology 117, 147-157, 2019
Shuffled rolling shutter for snapshot temporal imaging
E Vera, F Guzmán, N Díaz
Optics Express 30 (2), 887-901, 2022
Adaptive filter design via a gradient thresholding algorithm for compressive spectral imaging
N Diaz, H Rueda, H Arguello
Applied Optics 57 (17), 4890-4900, 2018
Multispectral filter array design by optimal sphere packing
N Diaz, A Alvarado, P Meza, F Guzmán, E Vera
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 32, 3634-3649, 2023
High-dynamic range compressive spectral imaging by grayscale coded aperture adaptive filtering
N Diaz, H Rueda, H Arguello
Ingeniería e Investigación 35 (3), 53-60, 2015
Real-time ground filtering algorithm of cloud points acquired using Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS)
N Diaz, O Gallo, J Caceres, H Porras
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 105 …, 2021
Adaptive multisensor acquisition via spatial contextual information for compressive spectral image classification
N Diaz, J Ramirez, E Vera, H Arguello
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2021
High-dynamic range compressive spectral imaging by adaptive filtering
N Diaz, H Rueda, H Arguello
2015 3rd International Workshop on Compressed Sensing Theory and its …, 2015
Evaluación de algoritmos bioinspirados para la solución del problema de planificación de trabajos
E Flórez, N Díaz, W Gómez, L Bautista, D Delgado
I+ D Revista de Investigaciones 11 (1), 133-143, 2018
Shuffled Rolling Shutter Camera
E Vera, F Guzman, N Diaz
Coded Optical Imaging, 499-513, 2023
Implementacion de un algoritmo inmune artificial aplicado en el area de planificacion de recursos
N Diaz, L Luna
Universidad Industrial de Santander, Escuela de Ingeniería de Sistemas e …, 2012
Multispectral mosaic design using a sphere packing filter array
A Alvarado, N Díaz, P Meza, F Guzmán, E Vera
Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging, CTh4C. 1, 2022
Cardiac motion estimation using convolutional sparse coding
N Diaz, A Basarab, JY Tourneret, H Arguello
2019 27th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 1-5, 2019
Evaluación de algoritmos bioinspirados para la solución del problema de planificación de trabajos1 _ Evaluation of bioinspired algorithms for the solution of the job scheduling …
E Flórez, N Díaz, W Gómez, L Bautista, D Delgado
Rev. Investig. I+ D 11 (1), 143-155, 2018
Gradient thresholding algorithm for adaptive colored coded aperture design in compressive spectral imaging
N Diaz, J Bacca, H Arguello
3D Image Acquisition and Display: Technology, Perception and Applications …, 2017
Phase Retrieval by Designed Hadamard Complementary Coded Apertures.
B Romero, A Cofré, N Diaz, P Scherz, J Tapia, E Peters, D Perez, E Vera
Optica Open, 2024
Improved compressive temporal imaging using a shuffled rolling shutter
F Guzmán, N Díaz, E Vera
Fourier Transform Spectroscopy, JTh6A. 9, 2021
Adaptive Coded Aperture Design by Motion Estimation using Convolutional Sparse Coding in Compressive Spectral Video Sensing
N Diaz, C Noriega-Wandurraga, A Basarab, JY Tourneret, H Arguello
2019 IEEE 8th International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi …, 2019
Compressive light field spectral imaging in a single-sensor device by using coded apertures
M Marquez, N Diaz, J Bacca, S Pertuz, H Arguello
Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging, CTh1B. 5, 2017
Adaptive uniform grayscale coded aperture design for high dynamic range compressive spectral imaging
N Diaz, H Rueda, H Arguello
Hyperspectral Imaging Sensors: Innovative Applications and Sensor Standards …, 2016
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Articles 1–20