David Ervin
David Ervin
Ohio State University, Signet Accel
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Cited by
caGrid 1.0: an enterprise Grid infrastructure for biomedical research
S Oster, S Langella, S Hastings, D Ervin, R Madduri, J Phillips, T Kurc, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 15 (2), 138-149, 2008
Introduce: an open source toolkit for rapid development of strongly typed grid services
S Hastings, S Oster, S Langella, D Ervin, T Kurc, J Saltz
Journal of Grid Computing 5, 407-427, 2007
Understanding weed resistance as a wicked problem to improve weed management decisions
RA Jussaume Jr, D Ervin
Weed Science 64 (S1), 559-569, 2016
Sharing data and analytical resources securely in a biomedical research grid environment
S Langella, S Hastings, S Oster, T Pan, A Sharma, J Permar, D Ervin, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 15 (3), 363-373, 2008
The Cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid (caBIG™) Security Infrastructure
S Langella, S Oster, S Hastings, F Siebenlist, J Phillips, D Ervin, J Permar, ...
AMIA annual symposium proceedings 2007, 433, 2007
caGrid 1.0: A grid enterprise architecture for cancer research
S Oster, S Langella, S Hastings, D Ervin, R Madduri, T Kurc, F Siebenlist, ...
AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings 2007, 573, 2007
Ontology mapping and data discovery for the translational investigator
R Wynden, MG Weiner, I Sim, D Gabriel, M Casale, S Carini, S Hastings, ...
Summit on Translational Bioinformatics 2010, 66, 2010
TRIAD: the translational research informatics and data management grid
P Payne, D Ervin, R Dhaval, T Borlawsky, A Lai
Applied clinical informatics 2 (03), 331-344, 2011
GridCAD: Grid-based computer-aided detection system
TC Pan, MN Gurcan, SA Langella, SW Oster, SL Hastings, A Sharma, ...
Radiographics 27 (3), 889-897, 2007
e-Science, caGrid, and translational biomedical research
J Saltz, T Kurc, S Hastings, S Langella, S Oster, D Ervin, A Sharma, T Pan, ...
Computer 41 (11), 58-66, 2008
HPC and grid computing for integrative biomedical research
T Kurc, S Hastings, V Kumar, S Langella, A Sharma, T Pan, S Oster, ...
The international journal of high performance computing applications 23 (3 …, 2009
A roadmap for caGrid, an enterprise Grid architecture for biomedical research
J Saltz, S Hastings, S Langella, S Oster, T Kurc, P Payne, R Ferreira, ...
Studies in health technology and informatics 138, 224, 2008
An XML-based system for synthesis of data from disparate databases
T Kurc, DA Janies, AD Johnson, S Langella, S Oster, S Hastings, F Habib, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 13 (3), 289-301, 2006
Comparative standards for intensive livestock operations in Canada, Mexico and the United States
J Speir, MA Bowden, D Ervin, J McElfish, RP Espejo
Second North American Symposium on Assessing the Environmental Effects of …, 2003
Translational research design templates, grid computing, and HPC
J Saltz, S Oster, S Hastings, S Langella, R Ferreira, J Permar, A Sharma, ...
2008 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing, 1-15, 2008
The rheumatology informatics system for effectiveness (RISE): Enabling data access across disparate sites for quality improvement and research
PJ Embi, I Barnes, R Myslinski, D Ervin, W Stevens, T Borlawsky, ...
Arthritis and Rheumatism 64 (10), S1101-S1102, 2012
Virtualizing XML Resources As caGrid Data Services
TC Pan, JD Permar, A Sharma, DW Ervin, TM Kurc, JH Saltz
Proc. of AMIA Translational Bioinformatics Summit, 2009
Integrating heterogeneous rules-engine technologies with caGrid.
JH Saltz, S Oster, SL Hastings, S Langella, D Ervin, PR Payne
AMIA... Annual Symposium proceedings. AMIA Symposium, 1099-1099, 2007
Middleware architecture approaches for collaborative cancer research
T Kurc, A Sharma, S Oster, T Pan, S Hastings, S Langella, D Ervin, ...
Biomedical Informatics for Cancer Research, 73-90, 2010
Comparative Standards for Intensive Livestock Operations in Canada, Mexico, and the United States
CL Carpentier, J Speir, MA Bowden, D Ervin, R Pérez Espejo, J McElfish, ...
Commission for Environmental Cooperation, 2003
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Articles 1–20