Jack A. Cadigan
Jack A. Cadigan
Research Civil Engineer, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center
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Cited by
Wetland shear strength with emphasis on the impact of nutrients, sediments, and sea level rise
NH Jafari, BD Harris, JA Cadigan, JW Day, CE Sasser, GP Kemp, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 229, 106394, 2019
Piezocone penetrometer measurements in coastal Louisiana wetlands
NH Jafari, BD Harris, JA Cadigan, Q Chen
Ecological Engineering 127, 338-347, 2019
Establishment of soil strength in a nourished wetland using thin layer placement of dredged sediment
BD Harris, DJ Day, JA Cadigan, NH Jafari, SE Bailey, ZJ Tyler
Plos one 16 (5), e0251420, 2021
Phreatic surface migration through an unsaturated levee embankment
NH Jafari, JA Cadigan, TD Stark, ML Woodward
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 145 (11), 05019010, 2019
Impacts of coastal infrastructure on shoreline response to major hurricanes in southwest Louisiana
JA Cadigan, JH Bekkaye, NH Jafari, L Zhu, AR Booth, Q Chen, ...
Frontiers in Built Environment 8, 885215, 2022
Drained shear displacement rates in fully softened strength torsional ring shear testing
TD Stark, JA Cadigan, NH Jafari
Geotechnical Testing Journal 44 (5), 1350-1357, 2021
Geotechnical characterization of an eroding wetland
BD Harris, J Cadigan, D Day, N Jafari
Geo-Congress 2020, 740-748, 2020
Predicting the performance of highway embankment slopes
NH Jafari, A Puppala, B Boluk, JA Cadigan, S Chakraborty, T Bheemasetti, ...
MATEC Web of Conferences 271, 02007, 2019
Relief well evaluation: Three-dimensional modeling and blanket theory
YH Chen, FTC Tsai, JA Cadigan, NH Jafari, TH Shih
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 147 (8), 04021054, 2021
Rapid deployment and post-storm reconnaissance of hurricane Laura
NH Jafari, Q Chen, J Cadigan
Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 60-60, 2020
Characterization of vegetated and ponded wetlands with implications towards coastal wetland marsh collapse
JA Cadigan, NH Jafari, CL Stagg, C Laurenzano, BD Harris, AE Meselhe, ...
Catena 218, 106547, 2022
Near‐continuous monitoring of a coastal salt marsh margin: Implications for predicting marsh edge erosion
JA Cadigan, NH Jafari, N Wang, Q Chen, L Zhu, BD Harris, Y Ding
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 48 (7), 1362-1373, 2023
Mobilized shear strengths of Mississippi River Delta Front sediments during submarine landslides
JA Cadigan, NH Jafari, IY Georgiou
Geo-Marine Letters 42 (2), 8, 2022
jcadig1/LSU_CPT_Processing: LSU_CPT_Processing-v1. 0 (Version v1. 0)
JA Cadigan, BD Harris, NH Jafari
Zenodo, 2020
Design Trends and Guidance for Substratum Pressure Relief Wells for Dams and Levees Using Computational Methods
JA Cadigan
Dams & Levees: Bulletin of the U.S. Society on Dams, 2019
Comparison of coastal marsh belowground root biomass and shear strength in Louisiana and everglades national park
B Harris, L Lamb-Wotton, O Alawneh, N Jafari, T Troxler, D Day, ...
Coastal Sediments 2023: The Proceedings of the Coastal Sediments 2023, 811-823, 2023
Geotechnical properties of dredge pits for barrier island restoration
O Alawneh, N JAFARI, W Zhang, K XU
Coastal Sediments 2023: The Proceedings of the Coastal Sediments 2023, 2383-2390, 2023
A review of tidal embayment shoaling mechanisms in the context of future wetland placement
DR Krafft, RL Bain, JA Cadigan, R Styles
Engineer Research and Development Center (US), 2022
Evolution of Sub-Decadal Mass Failures in the Mississippi River Delta Front
JA Cadigan
Wetland soil strength with emphasis on the impact of nutrients and sediments
N Jafari, B Harris, J Cadigan, JW Day, C Sasser, C Wigand, AM Freeman, ...
2019 CERF Biennial Conference, 2019
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Articles 1–20