Francisco J. Goin
Francisco J. Goin
Investigador CONICET; Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
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Miocene vertebrates from Entre Ríos province, eastern Argentina
AL Cione, MM Azpelicueta, M Bond, AA Carlini, JR Casciotta, MA Cozzuol, ...
Eocene primates of South America and the African origins of New World monkeys
M Bond, MF Tejedor, KE Campbell Jr, L Chornogubsky, N Novo, F Goin
Nature 520 (7548), 538-541, 2015
Paleogene land mammal faunas of South America; a response to global climatic changes and indigenous floral diversity
MO Woodburne, FJ Goin, M Bond, AA Carlini, JN Gelfo, GM López, ...
Journal of mammalian Evolution 21, 1-73, 2014
Biochronological relationships of the earliest South American Paleogene mammalian faunas
JN Gelfo, FJ Goin, MO Woodburne, C Muizon
Palaeontology 52 (1), 251-269, 2009
Lista comentada de los mamíferos argentinos
CA Galliari, UFJ Pardiñas, FJ Goin
Mastozoología Neotropical 3 (1), 39-61, 1996
Los marsupiales (Mammalia) del Mioceno Superior de la Formación Cerro Azul (Provincia de La Pampa, Argentina)
FJ Goin, C Montalvo, G Visconti
Estudios geológicos 56, 2000
A highly derived docodont from the Patagonian Late Cretaceous: evolutionary implications for Gondwanan mammals
R Pascual, FJ Goin, P González, A Ardolino, PF Puerta
Geodiversitas 22 (3), 395-414, 2000
Origins, radiations, and distribution of South American mammals: from greenhouse to icehouse worlds
FJ Goin, JN Gelfo, L Chornogubsky, MO Woodburne, T Martin
Bones, clones, and biomes: an, 20-50, 2012
A brief history of South American metatherians: evolutionary contexts and intercontinental dispersals
F Goin, M Woodburne, AN Zimicz, GM Martin, L Chornogubsky
Springer, 2015
U-Pb zircon constraints on the age of the Cretaceous Mata Amarilla Formation, Southern Patagonia, Argentina: its relationship with the evolution of the Austral Basin
AN Varela, DG Poiré, T Martin, A Gerdes, FJ Goin, JN Gelfo, S Hoffmann
Andean Geology 39 (3), 359-379, 2012
Revised timing of the South American early Paleogene land mammal ages
MO Woodburne, FJ Goin, MS Raigemborn, M Heizler, JN Gelfo, ...
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 54, 109-119, 2014
New discoveries of “opposum-like” marsupials from Antarctica (Seymour Island, Medial Eocene)
FJ Goin, JA Case, MO Woodburne, SF Vizcaíno, MA Reguero
Journal of Mammalian Evolution 6, 335-365, 1999
Episodes in South American land mammal evolution and sedimentation: testing their apparent concurrence in a Paleocene succession from central Patagonia
M Bond, AA Carlini, FJ Goin, L Legarreta, E Ortiz-Jaureguizar, R Pascual, ...
VI Congreso Argentino de Paleontología y Bioestratigrafía 1, 47-58, 1995
Middle tertiary marsupials from central Patagonia (Early Oligocene of Gran Barranca): understanding South America’s grande coupure
FJ Goin, MA Abello, L Chornogubsky
The Paleontology of Gran Barranca: Evolution and Environmental Change …, 2010
Mamíferos continentales del Mioceno tardío a la actualidad en la Argentina: cincuenta años de estudios
MG Vucetich, SF Vizcaíno, EC Vieytes, DH Verzi, LH Soibelzon, ...
Ameghiniana, 2007
New Paleogene marsupials from the Amazon Basin of eastern Peru
FJ Goin, AM Candela
The Paleogene Mammalian Fauna of Santa Rosa, Amazonian Peru. Natural History …, 2004
“South American” marsupials from the Late Cretaceous of North America and the origin of marsupial cohorts
JA Case, FJ Goin, MO Woodburne
Journal of Mammalian Evolution 12, 461-494, 2005
New clues for understanding Neogene marsupial radiations
FJ Goin
Vertebrate paleontology in the Neotropics: the Miocene fauna of La Venta …, 1997
New early Eocene mammalian fauna from western Patagonia, Argentina
MF Tejedor, FJ Goin, JN Gelfo, G López, M Bond, AA Carlini, ...
American Museum Novitates 2009 (3638), 1-43, 2009
Late Cretaceous/Paleogene West Antarctica terrestrial biota and its intercontinental affinities
MA Reguero, FJ Goin, CIA Acosta Hospitaleche, T Dutra, SA Marenssi
Springer, 2013
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