Luca Dell'Anna
Luca Dell'Anna
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Padua
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Magnetic confinement of massless Dirac fermions in graphene
A De Martino, L Dell’Anna, R Egger
Physical review letters 98 (6), 066802, 2007
Multiple magnetic barriers in graphene
L Dell’Anna, A De Martino
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (4), 045420, 2009
Fermi surface fluctuations and single electron excitations near Pomeranchuk instability in two dimensions
L Dell’Anna, W Metzner
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (4), 045127, 2006
Conductance quantization and snake states in graphene magnetic waveguides
TK Ghosh, A De Martino, W Häusler, L Dell’Anna, R Egger
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (8), 081404, 2008
Extended Kitaev chain with longer-range hopping and pairing
A Alecce, L Dell'Anna
Physical Review B 95 (19), 195160, 2017
Localization transitions and mobility edges in coupled Aubry-André chains
M Rossignolo, L Dell'Anna
Physical Review B 99 (5), 054211, 2019
Long-range topological insulators and weakened bulk-boundary correspondence
L Lepori, L Dell’Anna
New Journal of Physics 19 (10), 103030, 2017
Quantum Otto cycle with inner friction: finite-time and disorder effects
A Alecce, F Galve, NL Gullo, L Dell'Anna, F Plastina, R Zambrini
New Journal of Physics 17 (7), 075007, 2015
Wave-vector-dependent spin filtering and spin transport through magnetic barriers in graphene
L Dell’Anna, A De Martino
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (15), 155416, 2009
Josephson current through a quantum dot with spin-orbit coupling
L Dell’Anna, A Zazunov, R Egger, T Martin
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (8), 085305, 2007
Electrical resistivity near Pomeranchuk instability in two dimensions
L Dell’Anna, W Metzner
Physical review letters 98 (13), 136402, 2007
Magnetic barriers and confinement of Dirac–Weyl quasiparticles in graphene
A De Martino, L Dell’Anna, R Egger
Solid State Communications 144 (12), 547-550, 2007
Solvable delay model for epidemic spreading: the case of Covid-19 in Italy
L Dell'Anna
Scientific Reports 10, 15763, 2020
Magnetic superlattice and finite-energy Dirac points in graphene
L Dell’Anna, A De Martino
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (15), 155449, 2011
Violation of cluster decomposition and absence of light cones in local integer and half-integer spin chains
L Dell'Anna, O Salberger, L Barbiero, A Trombettoni, VE Korepin
Physical Review B 94 (15), 155140, 2016
Condensate fraction of a resonant Fermi gas with spin-orbit coupling in three and two dimensions
L Dell’Anna, G Mazzarella, L Salasnich
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 84 (3), 033633, 2011
Josephson physics of spin-orbit-coupled elongated Bose-Einstein condensates
MA Garcia-March, G Mazzarella, L Dell'Anna, B Juliá-Díaz, L Salasnich, ...
Physical Review A 89 (6), 063607, 2014
Entanglement entropy and macroscopic quantum states with dipolar bosons in a triple-well potential
L Dell’Anna, G Mazzarella, V Penna, L Salasnich
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (5), 053620, 2013
Universal dynamical scaling of long-range topological superconductors
N Defenu, G Morigi, L Dell'Anna, T Enss
Physical Review B 100 (18), 184306, 2019
Optical detection of the susceptibility tensor in two-dimensional crystals
Z Xu, D Ferraro, A Zaltron, N Galvanetto, A Martucci, L Sun, P Yang, ...
Communications Physics 4 (1), 215, 2021
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Articles 1–20