Sandor Bordacs
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Cited by
Néel-type skyrmion lattice with confined orientation in the polar magnetic semiconductor GaV4S8
I Kézsmárki, S Bordács, P Milde, E Neuber, LM Eng, JS White, ...
Nature materials 14 (11), 1116-1122, 2015
Enhanced Directional Dichroism of Terahertz Light in Resonance with Magnetic Excitations of the Multiferroic Ba_ {2} CoGe_ {2} O_ {7} Oxide Compound
I Kézsmárki, N Kida, H Murakawa, S Bordács, Y Onose, Y Tokura
Physical Review Letters 106 (5), 57403, 2011
Chirality of Matter Shows Up via Spin Excitations
S Bordacs, I Kezsmarki, D Szaller, L Demko, N Kida, H Murakawa, ...
Nature Physics 8, 734, 2012
Multiferroicity and skyrmions carrying electric polarization in GaV4S8
E Ruff, S Widmann, P Lunkenheimer, V Tsurkan, S Bordács, I Kézsmárki, ...
Science advances 1 (10), e1500916, 2015
One-way transparency of four-coloured spin-wave excitations in multiferroic materials
I Kézsmárki, D Szaller, S Bordács, V Kocsis, Y Tokunaga, Y Taguchi, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 3203, 2014
Equilibrium skyrmion lattice ground state in a polar easy-plane magnet
S Bordács, A Butykai, BG Szigeti, JS White, R Cubitt, AO Leonov, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 7584, 2017
Magnetoelasticity in CrO spinel oxides ( Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, and Cu)
V Kocsis, S Bordács, D Varjas, K Penc, A Abouelsayed, CA Kuntscher, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (6), 064416, 2013
Magnetic-Order-Induced Crystal Symmetry Lowering in ACr_ {2} O_ {4} Ferrimagnetic Spinels
S Bordács, D Varjas, I Kézsmárki, G Mihály, L Baldassarre, ...
Physical review letters 103 (7), 77205, 2009
Malaria pigment crystals as magnetic micro-rotors: key for high-sensitivity diagnosis
A Butykai, A Orbán, V Kocsis, D Szaller, S Bordács, E Tátrai-Szekeres, ...
Scientific reports 3 (1), 1431, 2013
Optical Diode Effect at Spin-Wave Excitations of the Room-Temperature Multiferroic
I Kézsmárki, U Nagel, S Bordács, RS Fishman, JH Lee, HT Yi, ...
Physical review letters 115 (12), 127203, 2015
Symmetry conditions for nonreciprocal light propagation in magnetic crystals
D Szaller, S Bordács, I Kézsmárki
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (1), 014421, 2013
Spin-Stretching Modes in Anisotropic Magnets: Spin-Wave Excitations in the Multiferroic Ba_ {2} CoGe_ {2} O_ {7}
K Penc, J Romhányi, T Rőőm, U Nagel, Á Antal, T Fehér, A Jánossy, ...
Physical Review Letters 108 (25), 257203, 2012
Anomalous hall effect in the (In, Mn) Sb dilute magnetic semiconductor
G Mihály, M Csontos, S Bordács, I Kézsmárki, T Wojtowicz, X Liu, B Jankó, ...
Physical review letters 100 (10), 107201, 2008
Characteristics of ferroelectric-ferroelastic domains in Néel-type skyrmion host GaV4S8
Á Butykai, S Bordács, I Kézsmárki, V Tsurkan, A Loidl, J Döring, E Neuber, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 44663, 2017
Compression of Langmuir films composed of fine particles: collapse mechanism and wettability
S Bordács, A Agod, Z Hórvölgyi
Langmuir 22 (16), 6944-6950, 2006
Two-Dimensional Valley Electrons and Excitons in Noncentrosymmetric
R Akashi, M Ochi, S Bordács, R Suzuki, Y Tokura, Y Iwasa, R Arita
Physical Review Applied 4 (1), 014002, 2015
On the multiferroic skyrmion-host GaV4S8
S Widmann, E Ruff, A Günther, HA Krug von Nidda, P Lunkenheimer, ...
Philosophical Magazine 97 (36), 3428-3445, 2017
Exfoliation of single layer BiTeI flakes
B Fülöp, Z Tajkov, J Pető, P Kun, J Koltai, L Oroszlány, E Tóvári, ...
2D Materials 5 (3), 031013, 2018
Determination of the magnetic order and the crystal symmetry in the multiferroic ground state of BaCoGeO
V Hutanu, A Sazonov, M Meven, H Murakawa, Y Tokura, S Bordács, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (10), 104401, 2012
Identification of antiferromagnetic domains via the optical magnetoelectric effect
V Kocsis, K Penc, T Rőőm, U Nagel, J Vít, J Romhányi, Y Tokunaga, ...
Physical review letters 121 (5), 057601, 2018
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Articles 1–20