Dashan Huang
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Cited by
Investor sentiment aligned: A powerful predictor of stock returns
D Huang, F Jiang, J Tu, G Zhou
The Review of Financial Studies 28 (3), 791-837, 2015
Robust portfolios: contributions from operations research and finance
FJ Fabozzi, D Huang, G Zhou
Annals of operations research 176, 191-220, 2010
Scaled PCA: A new approach to dimension reduction
D Huang, F Jiang, K Li, G Tong, G Zhou
Management Science 68 (3), 1678-1695, 2022
Portfolio selection under distributional uncertainty: A relative robust CVaR approach
D Huang, S Zhu, FJ Fabozzi, M Fukushima
European journal of operational research 203 (1), 185-194, 2010
Time series momentum: Is it there?
D Huang, J Li, L Wang, G Zhou
Journal of financial economics 135 (3), 774-794, 2020
Portfolio selection with uncertain exit time: A robust CVaR approach
D Huang, SS Zhu, FJ Fabozzi, M Fukushima
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 32 (2), 594-623, 2008
Predicting corporate bond returns: Merton meets machine learning
TG Bali, A Goyal, D Huang, F Jiang, Q Wen
Georgetown McDonough School of Business Research Paper, 20-110, 2020
Are disagreements agreeable? Evidence from information aggregation
D Huang, J Li, L Wang
Journal of Financial Economics 141 (1), 83-101, 2021
CAViaR-based forecast for oil price risk
D Huang, B Yu, FJ Fabozzi, M Fukushima
Energy Economics 31 (4), 511-518, 2009
Expected return, volume, and mispricing
Y Han, D Huang, D Huang, G Zhou
Journal of Financial Economics 143 (3), 1295-1315, 2022
Shrinking factor dimension: A reduced-rank approach
A He, D Huang, J Li, G Zhou
Management science 69 (9), 5501-5522, 2023
Upper bounds on return predictability
D Huang, G Zhou
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 52 (2), 401-425, 2017
Forecasting stock returns in good and bad times: The role of market states
D Huang, F Jiang, J Tu, G Zhou
27th Australasian Finance and Banking Conference, 2014
Are bond returns predictable with real-time macro data?
D Huang, F Jiang, K Li, G Tong, G Zhou
Journal of Econometrics 237 (2), 105438, 2023
Robust portfolio selection with uncertain exit time using worst-case VaR strategy
D Huang, FJ Fabozzi, M Fukushima
Operations Research Letters 35 (5), 627-635, 2007
Portfolio revision under mean-variance and mean-CVaR with transaction costs
AH Chen, FJ Fabozzi, D Huang
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 39, 509-526, 2012
Presidential economic approval rating and the cross-section of stock returns
Z Chen, Z Da, D Huang, L Wang
Journal of Financial Economics 147 (1), 106-131, 2023
Sentiment across asset markets
D Huang, H Lehkonen, K Pukthuanthong, G Zhou
Available at SSRN 3185140, 2018
Twin Momentum: Fundamental Trends Matter
D Huang, H Zhang, G Zhou
Extreme var and its empirical analysis of shenzhen stock index
H Dashan, L Mingjun, L Zudi
Management Review 6, 2005
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Articles 1–20