Marcelo A. Cappelletti
Marcelo A. Cappelletti
Docente-Investigador de la Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
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Analysis of the power conversion efficiency of perovskite solar cells with different materials as Hole-Transport Layer by numerical simulations
GA Casas, MÁ Cappelletti, AP Cedola, BM Soucase, ELP y Blancá
Superlattices and Microstructures 107, 136-143, 2017
Study of the reverse saturation current and series resistance of ppn perovskite solar cells using the single and double-diode models
MA Cappelletti, GA Casas, AP Cedola, ELP y Blancá, BM Soucase
Superlattices and Microstructures 123, 338-348, 2018
Simulation of silicon PIN photodiodes for use in space-radiation environments
MA Cappelletti, AP Cedola, ELP y Blancá
Semiconductor science and technology 23 (2), 025007, 2008
Optimization of Inverted All-Inorganic CsPbI3 and CsPbI2Br Perovskite Solar Cells by SCAPS-1D Simulation
C Pinzón, N Martínez, G Casas, FC Alvira, N Denon, G Brusasco, ...
Solar 2 (4), 559-571, 2022
Radiation-damaged simulation PIN photodiodes
MA Cappelletti, U Urcola, ELP y Blancá
Semiconductor science and technology 21 (3), 346, 2006
Theoretical study of neutron effects on PIN photodiodes with deep-trap levels
MA Cappelletti, AP Cedola, ELP y Blancá
Semiconductor science and technology 24 (10), 105023, 2009
Theoretical study of the maximum power point of n-type and p-type crystalline silicon space solar cells
MA Cappelletti, GA Casas, AP Cedola, ELP y Blancá
Semiconductor science and technology 28 (4), 045010, 2013
Study of the electrical parameters degradation of GaAs sub-cells for triple junction space solar cells by computer simulation
MA Cappelletti, GA Casas, DM Morales, W Hasperué, ELP y Blancá
Semiconductor Science and Technology 31 (11), 115020, 2016
An iterative method applied to optimize the design of PIN photodiodes for enhanced radiation tolerance and maximum light response
AP Cédola, MA Cappelletti, G Casas, ELP y Blancá
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2011
Tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones mediante IoT para la solución de problemas en el medio socio productivo
JR Osio, JE Salvatore, D Alonso, VL Guarepi, MA Cappelletti, ...
XX Workshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación (WICC 2018 …, 2018
A computerized method for carrier lifetime measurement in PN junctions at high and low-level injection
PC Ariel, MA Cappelletti, ELP y Blanca
2010 Argentine School of Micro-Nanoelectronics, Technology and Applications …, 2010
Study of semiconductor devices exposed to spatial radiation
DG Yagüez, D Villarraza, MA Cappelletti, ELP y Blancá
WSEAS Trans. Syst 3, 1228, 2004
Tecnologías de IoT y aprendizaje automático para la solución de problemas en el medio productivo y el cuidado del medioambiente
JR Osio, JE Salvatore, M Salina, DM Montezanti, N Denon, S Doti, ...
XXIII Workshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación (WICC 2021 …, 2021
Computational analysis of the maximum power point for GaAs sub-cells in InGaP/GaAs/Ge triple-junction space solar cells
MA Cappelletti, AP Cedola, ELP y Blancá
Semiconductor Science and Technology 29 (11), 115025, 2014
Novel automatic scorpion-detection and-recognition system based on machine-learning techniques
FL Giambelluca, MA Cappelletti, JR Osio, LA Giambelluca
Machine Learning: Science and Technology 2 (2), 025018, 2021
Diseño de aplicaciones de IoT para la solución de problemas en el medio socio productivo
JR Osio, MA Cappelletti, G Suarez, L Navarro, F Ayala, JE Salvatore, ...
XXI Workshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación (WICC 2019 …, 2019
Comparative study of the phase stability in SrTaO2N
RE Alonso, MA Taylor, AVG Rebaza, M Cappelletti, V Fernández
boletín de la sociedad española de cerámica y vidrio 57 (1), 40-44, 2018
Scorpion detection and classification systems based on computer vision and deep learning for health security purposes
FL Giambelluca, MA Cappelletti, J Osio, LA Giambelluca
arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.15041, 2021
Aprendizaje automático aplicado al procesamiento de imágenes para la clasificación de objetos reciclables
M Salina, JR Osio, MA Cappelletti, M Morales
XXVII Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación (CACIC)(Modalidad …, 2021
Uso de redes neuronales artificiales para la estimación de la radiación solar horaria bajo diferentes condiciones de cielo
L Olivera, J Atia, L Amet, JR Osio, MA Morales, MÁ Cappelletti
Avances en Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente 24, 2020
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Artículos 1–20