Marcelo Magnasco
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Cited by
Self-organized criticality: emergent complex behavior in physical and biological systems
HJ Jensen
Cambridge university press, 1998
Forced thermal ratchets
MO Magnasco
Physical Review Letters 71 (10), 1477, 1993
Humans can discriminate more than 1 trillion olfactory stimuli
C Bushdid, MO Magnasco, LB Vosshall, A Keller
Science 343 (6177), 1370-1372, 2014
Decay rates of human mRNAs: correlation with functional characteristics and sequence attributes
E Yang, E van Nimwegen, M Zavolan, N Rajewsky, M Schroeder, ...
Genome research 13 (8), 1863-1872, 2003
Essential nonlinearities in hearing
VM Eguíluz, M Ospeck, Y Choe, AJ Hudspeth, MO Magnasco
Physical review letters 84 (22), 5232, 2000
Virtual gating and nuclear transport: the hole picture
MP Rout, JD Aitchison, MO Magnasco, BT Chait
Trends in cell biology 13 (12), 622-628, 2003
Measurement of the persistence length of polymerized actin using fluorescence microscopy
A Ott, M Magnasco, A Simon, A Libchaber
Physical Review E 48 (3), R1642, 1993
Damage and fluctuations induce loops in optimal transport networks
E Katifori, GJ Szöllősi, MO Magnasco
Physical review letters 104 (4), 048704, 2010
On a common circle: natural scenes and Gestalt rules
M Sigman, GA Cecchi, CD Gilbert, MO Magnasco
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98 (4), 1935-1940, 2001
Solving the riddle of the bright mismatches: labeling and effective binding in oligonucleotide arrays
F Naef, MO Magnasco
Physical Review E 68 (1), 011906, 2003
A model for amplification of hair-bundle motion by cyclical binding of Ca2+ to mechanoelectrical-transduction channels
Y Choe, MO Magnasco, AJ Hudspeth
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 95 (26), 15321-15326, 1998
Molecular combustion motors
MO Magnasco
Physical review letters 72 (16), 2656, 1994
Absolute mRNA concentrations from sequence‐specific calibration of oligonucleotide arrays
D Hekstra, AR Taussig, M Magnasco, F Naef
Nucleic acids research 31 (7), 1962-1968, 2003
Toward a song code: evidence for a syllabic representation in the canary brain
S Ribeiro, GA Cecchi, MO Magnasco, CV Mello
Neuron 21 (2), 359-371, 1998
Simple motor gestures for birdsongs
T Gardner, G Cecchi, M Magnasco, R Laje, GB Mindlin
Physical review letters 87 (20), 208101, 2001
Structure, scaling, and phase transition in the optimal transport network
S Bohn, MO Magnasco
Physical review letters 98 (8), 088702, 2007
DNA hybridization to mismatched templates: a chip study
F Naef, DA Lim, N Patil, M Magnasco
Physical Review E 65 (4), 040902, 2002
Chemical kinetics is Turing universal
MO Magnasco
Physical Review Letters 78 (6), 1190, 1997
Sparse time-frequency representations
TJ Gardner, MO Magnasco
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (16), 6094-6099, 2006
Unsupervised learning and adaptation in a model of adult neurogenesis
GA Cecchi, LT Petreanu, A Alvarez-Buylla, MO Magnasco
Journal of computational neuroscience 11, 175-182, 2001
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Articles 1–20