J. Alberto Conejero
Cited by
Cited by
Objective comparison of methods to decode anomalous diffusion
G Muñoz-Gil, G Volpe, MA Garcia-March, E Aghion, A Argun, CB Hong, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 6253, 2021
Hypercyclic behaviour of operators in a hypercyclic C0-semigroup
JA Conejero, V Müller, A Peris
Journal of functional analysis 244 (1), 342-348, 2007
Hypercyclic, topologically mixing and chaotic semigroups on Banach spaces
T Bermúdez, A Bonilla, J Conejero, A Peris
Studia Mathematica 1 (170), 57-75, 2005
Chaotic behaviour of the solutions of the Moore-Gibson-Thompson equation
JA Conejero, C Lizama, F Ródenas
Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences 9 (5), 2233-2238, 2015
Potential limitations in COVID-19 machine learning due to data source variability: A case study in the nCov2019 dataset
C Sáez, N Romero, JA Conejero, JM García-Gómez
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 28 (2), 360-364, 2021
Hypercyclic translation C0-semigroups on complex sectors
JA Conejero, A Peris
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series A (DCDS-A) 25 (4), 1195, 2009
CyanoFactory, a European consortium to develop technologies needed to advance cyanobacteria as chassis for production of chemicals and fuels
P Lindblad, D Fuente, F Borbe, B Cicchi, JA Conejero, N Couto, ...
Algal Research 41, 101510, 2019
Higher-order spectral analysis of stray flux signals for faults detection in induction motors
MEI Martínez, JA Antonino-Daviu, PF de Córdoba, JA Conejero
Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences 5 (2), 1-14, 2020
Linear transitivity criteria
JA Conejero, A Peris
Topology and its Applications 153 (5-6), 767-773, 2005
Detection of nonadjacent rotor faults in induction motors via spectral subtraction and autocorrelation of stray flux signals
ME Iglesias-Martínez, PF de Córdoba, JA Antonino-Daviu, JA Conejero
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 55 (5), 4585-4594, 2019
Algebrability and nowhere Gevrey differentiability
F Bastin, JA Conejero, C Esser, JB Seoane-Sepúlveda
Israel Journal of Mathematics 205 (1), 127-143, 2015
Uncountably generated algebras of everywhere surjective functions
RM Aron, JA Conejero, A Peris, JB Seoane-Sepúlveda
Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society-Simon Stevin 17 (3), 571-575, 2010
Hypercyclic semigroups generated by Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operators
JA Conejero, EM Mangino
Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 7 (1), 101-109, 2010
La entrada en la Universidad: un reto para la orientación académica
VE García-Félix, JA Conejero, JL Diez-Ruano
REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria 12 (2), 255-280, 2014
Light distribution and spectral composition within cultures of micro-algae: quantitative modelling of the light field in photobioreactors
D Fuente, J Keller, JA Conejero, M Rögner, S Rexroth, JF Urchueguía
Algal research 23, 166-177, 2017
Powers of hypercyclic functions for some classical hypercyclic operators
RM Aron, JA Conejero, A Peris, JB Seoane–Sepúlveda
Integral Equations and Operator Theory 58 (4), 591-596, 2007
Chaotic asymptotic behavior of the hyperbolic heat transfer equation solutions
JA Conejero, A Peris, M Trujillo
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 20 (09), 2943-2947, 2010
A user-centered chatbot (Wakamola) to collect linked data in population networks to support studies of overweight and obesity causes: design and pilot study
S Asensio-Cuesta, V Blanes-Selva, JA Conejero, A Frigola, MG Portolés, ...
JMIR Medical Informatics 9 (4), e17503, 2021
Halting generative AI advancements may slow down progress in climate research
F Larosa, S Hoyas, J García-Martínez, JA Conejero, F Fuso Nerini, ...
Nature Climate Change 13 (6), 497-499, 2023
Smoothing vs. sharpening of colour images: Together or separated
C Pérez-Benito, S Morillas, C Jordán, JA Conejero
Applied mathematics and nonlinear sciences 2 (1), 299-316, 2017
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Articles 1–20