Satya Kushwaha
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Cited by
Evidence for the chiral anomaly in the Dirac semimetal Na3Bi
J Xiong, SK Kushwaha, T Liang, JW Krizan, M Hirschberger, W Wang, ...
Science 350 (6259), 413-416, 2015
Observation of Fermi arc surface states in a topological metal
SY Xu, C Liu, SK Kushwaha, R Sankar, JW Krizan, I Belopolski, ...
Science 347 (6219), 294-298, 2015
The chiral anomaly and thermopower of Weyl fermions in the half-Heusler GdPtBi
M Hirschberger, S Kushwaha, Z Wang, Q Gibson, S Liang, CA Belvin, ...
Nature materials 15 (11), 1161-1165, 2016
: A Type-II Weyl Topological Metal
Z Wang, D Gresch, AA Soluyanov, W Xie, S Kushwaha, X Dai, M Troyer, ...
Physical review letters 117 (5), 056805, 2016
Time-reversal-breaking Weyl fermions in magnetic Heusler alloys
Z Wang, MG Vergniory, S Kushwaha, M Hirschberger, EV Chulkov, ...
Physical review letters 117 (23), 236401, 2016
Resistivity plateau and extreme magnetoresistance in LaSb
FF Tafti, QD Gibson, SK Kushwaha, N Haldolaarachchige, RJ Cava
Nature Physics 12 (3), 272-277, 2016
Anomalous Hall effect in ZrTe5
T Liang, J Lin, Q Gibson, S Kushwaha, M Liu, W Wang, H Xiong, ...
Nature Physics 14 (5), 451-455, 2018
Experimental Tests of the Chiral Anomaly Magnetoresistance in the Dirac-Weyl Semimetals and GdPtBi
S Liang, J Lin, S Kushwaha, J Xing, N Ni, RJ Cava, NP Ong
Physical Review X 8 (3), 031002, 2018
Enhancement of SHG efficiency by urea doping in ZTS single crystals and its correlation with crystalline perfection as revealed by Kurtz powder and high-resolution X-ray …
G Bhagavannarayana, SK Kushwaha
Journal of Applied Crystallography 43 (1), 154-162, 2010
Characterization of ZnSe nanoparticles synthesized by microwave heating process
M Shakir, SK Kushwaha, KK Maurya, G Bhagavannarayana, MA Wahab
Solid State Communications 149 (45-46), 2047-2049, 2009
Temperature− field phase diagram of extreme magnetoresistance
F Fallah Tafti, Q Gibson, S Kushwaha, JW Krizan, N Haldolaarachchige, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (25), E3475-E3481, 2016
Sn-doped Bi1.1Sb0.9Te2S bulk crystal topological insulator with excellent properties
SK Kushwaha, I Pletikosić, T Liang, A Gyenis, SH Lapidus, Y Tian, H Zhao, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 11456, 2016
Anomalous conductivity tensor in the Dirac semimetal Na3Bi
J Xiong, S Kushwaha, J Krizan, T Liang, RJ Cava, NP Ong
Europhysics Letters 114 (2), 27002, 2016
Realization of a Type‐II Nodal‐Line Semimetal in Mg3Bi2
TR Chang, I Pletikosic, T Kong, G Bian, A Huang, J Denlinger, ...
Advanced Science 6 (4), 1800897, 2019
Bulk crystal growth and electronic characterization of the 3D Dirac semimetal Na3Bi
SK Kushwaha, JW Krizan, BE Feldman, A Gyenis, MT Randeria, J Xiong, ...
APL materials 3 (4), 2015
Growth and characterization of glycine picrate—Remarkable second-harmonic generation in centrosymmetric crystal
M Shakir, SK Kushwaha, KK Maurya, M Arora, G Bhagavannarayana
Journal of crystal growth 311 (15), 3871-3875, 2009
A pressure-induced topological phase with large Berry curvature in Pb1−xSnxTe
T Liang, S Kushwaha, J Kim, Q Gibson, J Lin, N Kioussis, RJ Cava, ...
Science Advances 3 (5), e1602510, 2017
Three-dimensional Dirac cone carrier dynamics in and
GS Jenkins, C Lane, B Barbiellini, AB Sushkov, RL Carey, F Liu, ...
Physical Review B 94 (8), 085121, 2016
Enhancement of second harmonic generation, optical and dielectric properties in L-asparagine monohydrate single crystals due to an improvement in crystalline perfection by …
M Shakir, SK Kushawaha, KK Maurya, S Kumar, MA Wahab, ...
Journal of Applied Crystallography 43 (3), 491-497, 2010
Colossal magnetoresistance in a nonsymmorphic antiferromagnetic insulator
P Rosa, Y Xu, M Rahn, J Souza, S Kushwaha, L Veiga, A Bombardi, ...
npj Quantum Materials 5 (1), 52, 2020
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Articles 1–20