Janny A Villa-Pulgarin
Janny A Villa-Pulgarin
Postdoctoral associate, WCM
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Lipid raft-targeted therapy in multiple myeloma
F Mollinedo, J De la Iglesia-Vicente, C Gajate, ...
Oncogene 29 (26), 3748-3757, 2010
In vitro and In vivo Selective Antitumor Activity of Edelfosine against Mantle Cell Lymphoma and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Involving Lipid Rafts
F Mollinedo, J de la Iglesia-Vicente, C Gajate, AEH de Mendoza, ...
Clinical Cancer Research 16 (7), 2046-2054, 2010
Selective fusion of azurophilic granules with Leishmania-containing phagosomes in human neutrophils
F Mollinedo, H Janssen, J de la Iglesia-Vicente, JA Villa-Pulgarin, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 285 (45), 34528-34536, 2010
Involvement of lipid rafts in the localization and dysfunction effect of the antitumor ether phospholipid edelfosine in mitochondria
F Mollinedo, M Fernández, V Hornillos, J Delgado, F Amat-Guerri, ...
Cell death & disease 2 (5), e158-e158, 2011
Mitochondria and lipid raft-located FOF1-ATP synthase as major therapeutic targets in the antileishmanial and anticancer activities of ether lipid edelfosine
JA Villa-Pulgarín, C Gajate, J Botet, A Jimenez, N Justies, RE Varela-M, ...
PLoS neglected tropical diseases 11 (8), e0005805, 2017
In Vitro and In Vivo Efficacy of Ether Lipid Edelfosine against Leishmania spp. and SbV-Resistant Parasites
RE Varela-M, JA Villa-Pulgarin, E Yepes, I Müller, M Modolell, DL Munoz, ...
PLoS neglected tropical diseases 6 (4), e1612, 2012
Involvement of mitochondrial and B-RAF/ERK signaling pathways in berberine-induced apoptosis in human melanoma cells
A Burgeiro, C Gajate, ELH Dakir, JA Villa-Pulgarin, PJ Oliveira, ...
Anti-cancer drugs 22 (6), 507-518, 2011
New Polyether Triterpenoids from Laurencia viridis and Their Biological Evaluation
FC Pacheco, JA Villa-Pulgarin, F Mollinedo, MN Martín, JJ Fernández, ...
Marine Drugs 9 (11), 2220-2235, 2011
Cytotoxic oxasqualenoids from the red alga Laurencia viridis
F Cen-Pacheco, JA Villa-Pulgarin, F Mollinedo, M Norte, AH Daranas, ...
European journal of medicinal chemistry 46 (8), 3302-3308, 2011
Complete inhibition of extranodal dissemination of lymphoma by edelfosine-loaded lipid nanoparticles
A Estella-Hermoso de Mendoza, MA Campanero, H Lana, ...
Nanomedicine 7 (5), 679-690, 2012
Biotechnological production, characterization and in vitro antitumor activity of polysaccharides from a native strain of Lentinus crinitus
X López-Legarda, C Arboleda-Echavarría, R Parra-Saldívar, ...
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 164, 3133-3144, 2020
C-Geranylated flavonoids from Paulownia tomentosa fruits with antimicrobial potential and synergistic activity with antibiotics
A Navrátilová, O Nešuta, I Vančatová, A Čížek, RE Varela-M, ...
Pharmaceutical Biology 54 (8), 1398-1407, 2016
Submerged cultivation, characterization and in vitro antitumor activity of polysaccharides from Schizophyllum radiatum
X López-Legarda, M Rostro-Alanis, R Parra-Saldivar, JA Villa-Pulgarín, ...
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 186, 919-932, 2021
Atherosclerosis: immunopathogenesis and strategies for immunotherapy
JH Tabares-Guevara, JA Villa-Pulgarin, JC Hernandez
Immunotherapy 13 (14), 1231-1244, 2021
Saiyacenols A and B: The key to solve the controversy about the configuration of aplysiols
F Cen-Pacheco, F Mollinedo, JA Villa-Pulgarín, M Norte, JJ Fernández, ...
Tetrahedron 68 (36), 7275-7279, 2012
Genomic Analysis of Colombian Leishmania panamensis strains with different level of virulence
DA Urrea, J Duitama, H Imamura, JF Álzate, J Gil, N Muñoz, JA Villa, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 17336, 2018
Antitumor activity of Lepidium latifolium and identification of the epithionitrile 1‐cyano‐2,3‐epithiopropane as its major active component
M Conde‐Rioll, C Gajate, JJ Fernández, JA Villa‐Pulgarin, JG Napolitano, ...
Molecular Carcinogenesis 57 (3), 347-360, 2018
Synthesis and cytotoxic activity of a new potential DNA bisintercalator: 1,4-Bis{3-[N-(4-chlorobenzo[g]phthalazin-1-yl)aminopropyl]}piperazine
J Galisteo, P Navarro, L Campayo, MJR Yunta, F Gómez-Contreras, ...
Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry 18 (14), 5301-5309, 2010
Dyslipidemia-associated alterations in B cell subpopulation frequency and phenotype during experimental atherosclerosis
H Rincón-Arévalo, D Castaño, J Villa-Pulgarín, M Rojas, G Vásquez, ...
Atherosclerosis 247, 118-126, 2016
Interleukin-10 production and T cell-suppressive capacity in B cell subsets from atherosclerotic apoE −/− mice
H Rincón-Arévalo, J Villa-Pulgarín, J Tabares, M Rojas, G Vásquez, ...
Immunologic Research 65, 995-1008, 2017
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Articles 1–20