Konstantinos N. Anagnostopoulos
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Monte Carlo studies of supersymmetric matrix quantum mechanics with sixteen supercharges at finite temperature
KN Anagnostopoulos, M Hanada, J Nishimura, S Takeuchi
Physical review letters 100 (2), 021601, 2008
New approach to the complex-action problem and its application to a nonperturbative study of superstring theory
KN Anagnostopoulos, J Nishimura
Physical Review D 66 (10), 106008, 2002
Large N dynamics of dimensionally reduced 4D SU (N) super Yang-Mills theory
J Ambjørn, J Nishimura, KN Anagnostopoulos, W Bietenholz, T Hotta
Journal of High Energy Physics 2000 (07), 013, 2000
Monte Carlo studies of the IIB matrix model at large N
J Ambjørn, J Nishimura, KN Anagnostopoulos, W Bietenholz, T Hotta
Journal of High Energy Physics 2000 (07), 011, 2000
The flat phase of crystalline membranes
MJ Bowick, SM Catterall, M Falcioni, G Thorleifsson, KN Anagnostopoulos
Journal de Physique I 6 (10), 1321-1345, 1996
The factorization method for systems with a complex action. A test in random matrix theory for finite density QCD
J Ambjørn, KN Anagnostopoulos, J Nishimura, JJM Verbaarschot
Journal of High Energy Physics 2002 (10), 062, 2002
New perspective on matter coupling in 2D quantum gravity
J Ambjørn, KN Anagnostopoulos, R Loll
Physical Review D 60 (10), 104035, 1999
Quantum geometry of 2D gravity coupled to unitary matter
J Ambjørn, KN Anagnostopoulos
Nuclear Physics B 497 (1-2), 445-475, 1997
Large gauged Q balls
KN Anagnostopoulos, M Axenides, EG Floratos, N Tetradis
Physical Review D 64 (12), 125006, 2001
On the spontaneous breakdown of Lorentz symmetry in matrix models of superstrings
J Ambjørn, KN Anagnostopoulos, W Bietenholz, F Hofheinz, J Nishimura
Physical Review D 65 (8), 086001, 2002
Crossing the c= 1 barrier in 2d Lorentzian quantum gravity
J Ambjørn, K Anagnostopoulos, R Loll
Physical Review D 61 (4), 044010, 2000
The quantum space-time of c=− 2 gravity
J Ambjørn, K Anagnostopoulos, T Ichihara, L Jensen, N Kawamoto, ...
Nuclear Physics B 511 (3), 673-710, 1998
Geometrical interpretation of the Knizhnik-Polyakov-Zamolodchikov exponents
J Ambjørn, KN Anagnostopoulos, U Magnea, G Thorleifsson
Physics Letters B 388 (4), 713-719, 1996
Fluid random surfaces with extrinsic curvature. II
K Anagnostopoulos, M Bowick, P Coddington, M Falcioni, L Han, G Harris, ...
Physics Letters B 317 (1-2), 102-106, 1993
Shaken, but not stirred—Potts model coupled to quantum gravity
JA Ambjørn, KN Anagnostopoulos, R Loll, I Pushkina
Nuclear physics B 807 (1-2), 251-264, 2009
Complex Langevin analysis of the spontaneous symmetry breaking in dimensionally reduced super Yang-Mills models
KN Anagnostopoulos, T Azuma, Y Ito, J Nishimura, SK Papadoudis
Journal of High Energy Physics 2018 (2), 1-18, 2018
Quantum geometry of topological gravity
J Ambjørn, KN Anagnostopoulos, T Ichihara, L Jensen, N Kawamoto, ...
Physics Letters B 397 (3-4), 177-184, 1997
Complex Langevin analysis of the spontaneous breaking of 10D rotational symmetry in the Euclidean IKKT matrix model
KN Anagnostopoulos, T Azuma, Y Ito, J Nishimura, T Okubo, ...
Journal of High Energy Physics 2020 (6), 1-29, 2020
Monte Carlo studies of the spontaneous rotational symmetry breaking in dimensionally reduced super Yang-Mills models
KN Anagnostopoulos, T Azuma, J Nishimura
Journal of High Energy Physics 2013 (11), 1-28, 2013
Abelian gauge fields coupled to simplicial quantum gravity
J Ambjørn, KN Anagnostopoulos, J Jurkiewicz
Journal of High Energy Physics 1999 (08), 016, 1999
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Articles 1–20